A. Maitland Bottoms gqrx-sdr log4cpp quisk (U) Aaron M. Ucko python-dsv (U) Abdelhakim Qbaich gambc Abhijith PA patool Abhijith PA httping Abhijith PA ruby-secure-headers (U) Abhishek Lolage node-parse-ms (U) Abraham Raji node-prosemirror-markdown (U) ruby-rspec-stubbed-env (U) Adam Borowski birdtray sysvinit (U) Adam Cecile aiomysql (U) djangorestframework-api-key (U) Adrian Alves python-cluster (U) python-stopit (U) Adrian Knoth jackd2 (U) liblrdf (U) Adrian Vondendriesch booth (U) crmsh (U) flask-htmlmin (U) flask-mongoengine (U) flask-security (U) htmlmin (U) pgbackrest (U) pgpool2 (U) pytest-pep8 (U) sbd (U) wtf-peewee (U) Adrien Vergé yamllint (U) Afif Elghraoui optlang (U) python-avro (U) python-et-xmlfile Agathe Porte python-colorama (U) Aggelos Avgerinos py-radix (U) ruby-mina (U) Agustin Henze crrcsim docopt doit natsort (U) python-cbor python-livereload yapsy Agustin Martin Domingo aspell br.ispell Aigars Mahinovs gphoto2-cffi isbnlib python-zipstream Aivar Annamaa thonny (U) Akira Mitsui mruby (U) Alastair McKinstry ansimarkup cmor-tables ecaccess fparser gadap gsw jpy (U) magics-python makedepf90 metomi-isodatetime metview-python netcdf-parallel pmix pygrib silo-llnl slang2 spherepack udunits vistrails Alba Crespi r-cran-data.table (U) Alberto Leiva Popper jool (U) Alec Leamas ddupdate Alejandro Garrido Mota anomaly direvent vramsteg Aleksey Kravchenko rhash (U) Ales Zabala Alava (Shagi) txt2tags (U) Alessandro Ghedini pulsemixer universal-ctags Alessandro Grassi notepadqq Alessio Di Mauro libu2f-server (U) yubico-piv-tool (U) Alessio Treglia jalv (U) libde265 (U) liblscp (U) libmtp lilv (U) mp3fs (U) pysoundfile (U) sooperlooper (U) xcfa (U) Alex Muntada libmojolicious-plugin-cgi-perl (U) Alexander Wirt ferm nsca-ng (U) Alexander Zangerl glimpse Alexandre Marie python-fisx (U) wurlitzer (U) Alexandre Mestiashvili authprogs gearmand krop plip (U) Alexandre Rossi lazygal (U) Alexandre Rossi lazygal (U) Alexandre Viau fonts-fork-awesome (U) runc (U) Alf Gaida cmst (U) meteo-qt (U) smplayer (U) Alkis Georgopoulos epoptes (U) Alois Schlögl biosig (U) Alvin Chen elementpath requirement-parser tpm2-pkcs11 Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez empy (U) Ana Custura python-offtrac yapf Ana Rodríguez López translation-finder (U) Andre Bianchi social-auth-core (U) Andrea Colangelo curtain python-httplib2 (U) python-roman (U) spotlighter Andreas B. Mundt libticonv (U) tilp2 (U) Andreas Beckmann povray Andreas Henriksson mfgtools (U) Andreas Metzler autogen libtasn1-6 (U) plotutils Andreas Noteng pyspread Andreas Rönnquist allegro4.4 (U) Andreas Seltenreich sqlsmith Andreas Tille alter-sequence-alignment (U) amide (U) bamtools (U) beads (U) bio-tradis (U) busco (U) checker-framework-java (U) circlator (U) civetweb (U) clonalorigin (U) clustalo (U) conda-package-handling (U) eigensoft (U) f2j (U) fast5 (U) fastaq (U) genometools (U) gff2aplot (U) htseq (U) igv (U) imageindex (U) iva (U) jellyfish1 (U) jpeginfo (U) king (U) kleborate (U) lefse (U) libcifpp (U) libcolt-free-java (U) libfastutil-java (U) libgo-perl (U) libpll (U) librostlab (U) libsdsl (U) libseqlib (U) mapdamage (U) mcl (U) microbegps (U) mira (U) mptp (U) nanolyse (U) node-jmespath (U) osm-gps-map (U) paleomix (U) parallel-fastq-dump (U) pbbam (U) pngquant (U) poretools (U) proteinortho (U) pycoqc (U) pyqi (U) python-aws-xray-sdk (U) python-bcbio-gff (U) python-bel-resources (U) python-ci-info (U) python-cigar (U) python-colormap (U) python-csb (U) python-cutadapt (U) python-cymem (U) python-cytoolz (U) python-dendropy (U) python-depinfo (U) python-dicompylercore (U) python-etelemetry (U) python-hdmedians (U) python-hl7 (U) python-intervaltree-bio (U) python-jsondiff (U) python-matplotlib-venn (U) python-msgpack-numpy (U) python-multisplitby (U) python-murmurhash (U) python-nanoget (U) python-nanomath (U) python-nose-random (U) python-parasail (U) python-pauvre (U) python-pipdeptree (U) python-plac (U) python-preshed (U) python-pymummer (U) python-pypubsub (U) python-pyvcf (U) python-questplus (U) python-skbio (U) python-wordcloud (U) python-xopen (U) qcat (U) qcumber (U) r-bioc-affyio (U) r-bioc-fmcsr (U) r-bioc-makecdfenv (U) r-bioc-rhtslib (U) r-cran-bslib (U) r-cran-cairo (U) r-cran-data.table (U) r-cran-fastcluster (U) r-cran-fftw (U) r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz (U) r-cran-gert (U) r-cran-git2r (U) r-cran-glmmtmb (U) r-cran-jsonld (U) r-cran-lwgeom (U) r-cran-pki (U) r-cran-plumber (U) r-cran-prophet (U) r-cran-qpdf (U) r-cran-rcurl (U) r-cran-rniftilib (U) r-cran-stringi (U) r-cran-textshaping (U) r-cran-udunits2 (U) r-cran-units (U) ragout (U) ray (U) reprof (U) salmid (U) scoary (U) socket++ (U) srst2 (U) texmaker (U) tiddit (U) tifffile (U) tree-puzzle (U) Andrei Rozanski libamplsolver (U) Andrej Shadura bmake caffeine dbus-deviation git-crecord hachoir (U) kyua matrix-synapse-ldap3 (U) mercurial-extension-utils (U) mercurial-keyring (U) mk-configure omegat (U) openpace osc (U) osc-plugins-dput py-lmdb (U) pyrsistent (U) pyte python-darkslide python-eliot (U) python-h2 (U) python-hpack (U) python-hyperframe (U) python-matrix-common (U) python-pem (U) python-phonenumbers (U) python-xlib (U) txacme (U) txsni (U) Andrew Gee gpxviewer (U) Andrew Harvey leaflet-markercluster (U) Andrew Lee (李健秋) gpicview (U) osc-plugins-dput (U) ruby-feature (U) ruby-voight-kampff (U) Andrew Pollock python-prctl (U) Andrew Ruthven libmodule-install-substitute-perl (U) rt-extension-jsgantt (U) rt-extension-repeatticket (U) Andrew Starr-Bochicchio django-pagination (U) ghp-import (U) kazam (U) loggerhead (U) python-certbot-dns-cloudflare (U) python-certbot-dns-digitalocean (U) python-certbot-dns-dnsimple (U) python-certbot-dns-google (U) python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 (U) python-certbot-dns-route53 (U) python-django-contact-form (U) pyxdg (U) responses (U) smartypants (U) ssh-import-id typecatcher typogrify (U) Andrey Rahmatullin dateparser (U) ipdb (U) python-itemadapter (U) python-itemloaders (U) python-protego (U) python-queuelib (U) python-sybil (U) Andrey Rakhmatullin ipdb (U) python-itemadapter (U) python-itemloaders (U) python-sybil (U) Andrii Senkovych sqlparse Andrius Merkys cherrytree cif-api (U) jep (U) node-agent-base (U) node-grunt-sass (U) node-https-proxy-agent (U) node-propagate (U) node-stable (U) Andriy Grytsenko foxeye gnome-system-tools Angel Abad libdata-dump-streamer-perl (U) libfile-copy-link-perl (U) libjavascript-packer-perl (U) libvitacilina-perl (U) polib Angel Ramos genetic (U) Angelos Tzotsos geolinks (U) owslib (U) python-osmapi (U) Anibal Monsalve Salazar cpio nfs4-acl-tools xfsprogs (U) Aniol Marti pycirkuit Aniol Martí dpic Anja Boskovic visidata Ansgar Burchardt libapache-sessionx-perl (U) libfcgi-perl (U) libfile-libmagic-perl (U) libjavascript-packer-perl (U) libtest-base-perl (U) libtest-command-perl (U) libxml-handler-yawriter-perl (U) libxml-rss-perl (U) quvi Anthony Fok notepadqq (U) python-ly (U) reposurgeon (U) ruby-hrx (U) texi2html Antoine Beaupré atheme-services convertdate (U) dateparser (U) gmpc (U) linkchecker python-spake2 Antoine Musso voluptuous (U) Antoine R. Dumont (@ardumont) python-msrest (U) python-msrestazure (U) Anton Gladky gmp (U) httraqt libqglviewer (U) liggghts (U) metis (U) python-admesh (U) python-demgengeo (U) tetgen (U) Antoni Villalonga pairtools (U) Antonin Kral sqlgrey Antonio Russo kcollectd (U) Antonio Terceiro cmdtest (U) django-measurement (U) python-django-simple-history (U) python-whitenoise (U) ruby-rubocop-ast (U) Antonio Valentino aggdraw (U) pycoast (U) pyerfa (U) pymap3d (U) python-cartopy (U) python-geotiepoints (U) pyzoltan (U) Apollon Oikonomopoulos cheshire-clojure (U) drbd-utils (U) fast-zip-clojure (U) fast-zip-visit-clojure (U) leatherman (U) medley-clojure (U) python-hiredis (U) tigris (U) tools-nrepl-clojure (U) Ardo van Rangelrooij docbook2x (U) Arnaud Fontaine glosstex Arnaud Rebillout golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-rethinkdb-go.v6 (U) notary (U) Aron Xu fcitx-qimpanel (U) ocserv ukui-menus (U) ukui-panel (U) Arto Jantunen python-inflect (U) sqlacodegen (U) Arturo Borrero Gonzalez prometheus-openstack-exporter (U) rpmlint (U) Arun Kumar Pariyar deepin-terminal (U) Arun Kumar Pariyar dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) Asheesh Laroia alpine Asias He input-pad (U) Asias He ibus-input-pad (U) Athena Capital Research mysql++ Aurelien Jarno d2to1 (U) i2c-tools libconfuse Axel Beckert backuppc (U) eperl john (U) Axel Burri btrbk Ayatana Packagers xfce4-sntray-plugin Aymeric Agon-Rambosson qcomicbook Balasankar C python-wget (U) ruby-haml-rails (U) ruby-ice-cube (U) ruby-mono-logger (U) Balasankar C ruby-rollout (U) Balint Reczey node-iscroll (U) ruby-rubyvis (U) shadow (U) Barak A. Pearlmutter ddccontrol ddccontrol-db djview4 gromit-mpx hebcal (U) ikarus mhash nuntius-linux pstoedit sml-mode (U) swisswatch webcamoid Barry deFreese xnee (U) Barry deFreese adonthell (U) barrage (U) boswars (U) clanlib (U) Bartosz Fenski httpie reaver Bas Couwenberg cftime (U) mapproxy (U) netcdf (U) netcdf4-python (U) php-geos (U) pyosmium (U) python-deprecated (U) python-osmapi (U) python-pyproj (U) python-rtree (U) python-shapely (U) python-stetl (U) Bas Wijnen pioneers (U) Bastiaan Franciscus van den Dikkenberg libapr-memcache Bastian Blank waagent Bastian Blank libmodule-install-perl (U) Bastian Germann py-lmdb (U) pyjunitxml (U) pyparted (U) python-junit-xml (U) reprepro spyne (U) swupdate xfsprogs (U) Bastian Venthur kivy (U) Bastien Roucariès autoconf-archive node-istanbul (U) node-mocha (U) Bdale Garbee as31 atlc cpmtools ezdxf libmawk (U) pcb-rnd (U) Ben Finney pyrlp python-adventure python-daemon python-jsonext python-lockfile python-tinyrpc towncrier Ben Hutchings jinja-vanish Benda Xu scim (U) sysvinit (U) Benjamin Drung audacity (U) ionit portaudio19 (U) pyhunspell pytest-skip-markers (U) Benjamin Drung graypy modernize (U) pyrundeck (U) pytest-salt (U) pytest-tempdir (U) python-crcmod (U) python-ipmi (U) salt-pylint (U) versiontools Benjamin Drung pytest-helpers-namespace (U) Benjamin Mako Hill libtext-wikiformat-perl Bernd Zeimetz carbon-c-relay flask-wtf (U) numpy-stl (U) parsedatetime (U) Bernhard R. Link ntl (U) Bernhard Reiter python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface (U) Bernhard Schmidt conserver (U) nfdump (U) Bernhard Übelacker dvbcut Bill Allombert gap-polycyclic gap-tomlib toppler Bjorn Ove Grotan pyrad (U) Bo YU jimtcl python-ssdeep (U) Boian Bonev complexity Boris Pek yagf Boyuan Yang dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) deepin-terminal (U) font-manager (U) gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel (U) go-for-it gsmlib gwakeonlan helpdev (U) proxychains-ng pybeam (U) python-scrypt (U) qdarkstyle (U) stomper (U) tkrzw-python (U) zssh (U) Brian May django-cors-headers (U) django-environ (U) django-filter django-simple-captcha (U) django-xmlrpc (U) factory-boy (U) faker (U) mkdocs-bootstrap pytest-django (U) pytest-runner (U) python-django-mptt (U) python-glob2 (U) python-mysqldb (U) python-passlib (U) python-schroot (U) sshuttle Bruno "Fuddl" Kleinert openarena-oacmp1 (U) Bryan McLellan ruby-bunny (U) Cacti Maintainer cacti-spine Calogero Lo Leggio burp Carl Chenet nagstamon (U) retweet Carl Worth tar (U) Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez aircrack-ng (U) Carlos Pascual python-qwt (U) Carnë Draug libalgorithm-svm-perl (U) Carsten Leonhardt bacula (U) Carsten Schoenert hiera-py mssql-django (U) ponyprog (U) python-django-crispy-forms-foundation (U) python-funcy (U) python-ilorest python-markdown-include (U) python-markuppy (U) python-selenium (U) python-tablib (U) python-text-unidecode (U) raritan-json-rpc-sdk sphinxcontrib-restbuilder (U) wcag-contrast-ratio (U) CFEngine Team cfengine3 ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) cmst (U) dodgy (U) gcin (U) jq meteo-qt (U) pep8-naming (U) pipsi python-tabulate (U) python-urwidtrees (U) Charles Plessy libgo-perl (U) tree-puzzle (U) Chow Loong Jin gpx (U) haserl qreator smart-notifier tinyxml2 Chris Boyle crack-attack Chris Johnston python-mccabe (U) Chris Kuehl nodeenv Chris Lamb cpio (U) django-pagination (U) gunicorn (U) python-daiquiri (U) python-hiredis (U) python-httplib2 (U) python-redis (U) python-whoosh (U) Chris Lawrence diction latex2rtf r-cran-mcmcpack (U) r-cran-rjags (U) Chris MacNaughton python-xmlsec (U) Chris Taylor daemonlogger Christian Bayle connect-proxy (U) Christian Kastner gitinspector (U) liac-arff (U) libcap2 python-iniconfig (U) python-multipledispatch (U) sphinx-prompt (U) Christian M. Amsüss python-ratelimiter (U) Christian Marillat libtorrent-rasterbar Christoph Berg flask-babelex (U) pgcluu (U) pgpool2 (U) pgq (U) quisk (U) sqlsmith (U) sshtunnel (U) Christoph Biedl bgpdump Christoph Egger cl-asdf (U) xwelltris (U) Christoph Groth tinyarray (U) Christoph Martin burp (U) cfengine3 (U) libapache2-mod-auth-openidc (U) nagstamon (U) Christoph Mathys mercurial-extension-utils (U) mercurial-keyring (U) Christophe Trophime togl (U) Christopher Baines faker (U) pygtail (U) python-django-tagging (U) Christos Trochalakis python-confluent-kafka (U) python-django-tagging (U) Chrysostomos Nanakos xtermset Chuan-kai Lin bison stow Clay Stan dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) dtkcommon (U) Clint Adams haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-conduit (U) haskell-gi-cairo (U) haskell-gi-glib (U) haskell-gi-xlib (U) haskell-inspection-testing (U) haskell-snap (U) simutrans (U) Clint Byrum gearmand (U) pynag (U) python-munch (U) Clément Hermann libgsecuredelete (U) Clément Hermann libtype-tiny-xs-perl (U) Colin Ian King thermald Colin Watson httmock (U) lazr.config (U) libgetargs-long-perl multiboot (U) postgresfixture (U) putty py-macaroon-bakery (U) pymacaroons (U) python-libnacl (U) python-nacl (U) python-pgbouncer (U) python-tblib (U) python-timeline (U) six (U) Conserver Maintainers conserver Cord Beermann nn Corey Bryant python-glance-store (U) python-heatclient (U) python-keystonemiddleware (U) Craig Small python-mastodon CrossWire Packaging Team bibletime sword-comm-mhcc sword-comm-scofield sword-dict-naves sword-dict-strongs-greek sword-dict-strongs-hebrew Cyril Brulebois liblouis (U) Cyril Richard ser-player (U) Cédric Boutillier ruby-childprocess (U) ruby-jbuilder (U) ruby-libxml (U) ruby-mocha (U) ruby-rb-inotify (U) Dain Nilsson yubico-piv-tool (U) Dale Mellor mcron Damien Raude-Morvan ognl (U) Damyan Ivanov gbgoffice kobodeluxe (U) libapp-control-perl (U) libb-hooks-op-check-perl (U) libb-utils-perl (U) libbit-vector-perl (U) libcatalyst-view-email-perl (U) libcatalyst-view-mason-perl (U) libconfig-std-perl (U) libdata-dump-streamer-perl (U) libdevice-usb-perl (U) libemail-localdelivery-perl (U) liblogger-syslog-perl (U) libmail-box-perl (U) libmime-lite-perl (U) libmodule-install-perl (U) libnet-cups-perl (U) libtest-base-perl (U) libtest-command-perl (U) libxml-rss-libxml-perl (U) libxml-rss-perl (U) libyaml-appconfig-perl (U) Daniel Baumann cfgv ck cli-helpers dnsjit dnswire doodle gnunet identify litecli mdadm mycli netdata pendulum pgcli pre-commit prompt-toolkit (U) ptpython pytzdata Daniel Echeverry wifite (U) Daniel Glassey bibletime (U) sword-comm-mhcc (U) sword-dict-naves (U) Daniel Kahn Gillmor google-i18n-address pymilter (U) python-getdns (U) Daniel Leidert (dale) liboglappth (U) Daniel Lintott vpcs Daniel Manila weresync (U) Daniel Pfeiffer makepp (U) Daniel Ring node-opentip (U) node-raw-loader (U) node-style-loader (U) Daniele Tricoli flask-login (U) Daniele Tricoli simplegeneric (U) Dariusz Dwornikowski zmap Darshaka Pathirana kthresher Dave Hibberd ax25-tools (U) uronode (U) David Bremner three.js (U) David Douard wsgicors David Henningsson audacity (U) David Krauser evil-el (U) David Kunz port-for David Maiorino tz-converter David Mohammed slick-greeter David Paleino codemirror-js (U) gmtkbabel jeex mustache.js (U) node-glob (U) osm-gps-map (U) pyshp (U) python-pyproj (U) underscore (U) David Prévot php-fxsl (U) php-text-template (U) David Villa Alises blessings pyhamcrest (U) Dean Serenevy kivy (U) Debian 3-D Printing Packages <3dprinter-general@lists.alioth.debian.org> gpx Debian Accessibility Team brltty daisy-player dasher ebook-speaker edbrowse fenrir liblouis liblouisutdml pocketsphinx-python speech-tools speechd-up Debian ALSA Maintainers alsa-tools Debian Astro Team pydl Debian Astro Team astroplan astropy-helpers astropy-regions astroquery cmyt drms gwcs healpy pytest-astropy pytest-astropy-header python-drizzle scamp starlink-ast xpa Debian Astronomy Maintainers astrodendro astropy-healpix fast-histogram glueviz orbit-predictor pyavm pyerfa pytest-cython pytest-mpl pyvo ser-player Debian Astronomy Team aplpy asdf-coordinates-schemas asdf-standard asdf-transform-schemas asdf-wcs-schemas astroml astropy-sphinx-theme astroscrappy casa-formats-io ccdproc cpl-plugin-visir emcee gavodachs ginga mpl-animators photutils planetary-system-stacker pyephem pysynphot python-fitsio python-pyds9 radio-beam reproject sphinx-astropy starlink-pal sunpy Debian Authentication Maintainers python-fido2 yubico-piv-tool Debian Authentication Maintainers libu2f-server Debian BackupPC Team backuppc Debian Bacula Team bacula Debian Bazaar Maintainers loggerhead Debian Bridges Team libcork libcorkipset Debian CLI Applications Team openmcdf Debian CLI Libraries Team cecil-flowanalysis dbus-sharp taoframework Debian Clojure Maintainers tools-nrepl-clojure Debian Clojure Maintainers cheshire-clojure clj-yaml-clojure data-xml-clojure fast-zip-clojure fast-zip-visit-clojure medley-clojure tigris Debian Common Lisp Team cl-asdf cl-unicode Debian Cryptocoin Team electrum Debian Deep Learning Team faiss Debian Deep Learning Team python-peachpy Debian Deepin Packaging Team dde-qt-dbus-factory deepin-terminal dtkcommon zssh Debian DRBD Maintainers drbd-utils Debian Edu Packaging Team thonny Debian Electronics Team gnusim8085 iverilog ponyprog Debian Electronics Team libmawk oregano pcb-rnd Debian Emacsen Team c-sig evil-el sml-mode xcite Debian Emacsen team elpa-transient elscreen load-relative-el maildir-utils paredit-el persist-el Debian Erlang Packagers erlang-bear erlang-bitcask erlang-folsom manderlbot Debian Fonts Task Force cffsubr compreffor defcon font-manager fontmake fontmath fontparts fontpens fonts-fork-awesome fonts-lohit-beng-assamese fonts-lohit-beng-bengali fonts-lohit-deva fonts-lohit-deva-marathi fonts-lohit-deva-nepali fonts-lohit-gujr fonts-lohit-guru fonts-lohit-mlym fonts-lohit-orya fonts-lohit-taml fonttools glyphslib mutatormath python-booleanoperations python-unicodedata2 ufo-extractor ufo2ft ufolib2 ufonormalizer ufoprocessor xfonts-mplus Debian Fonts Task Force fonts-klaudia-berenika psautohint xfonts-efont-unicode xfonts-kaname Debian freedesktop.org maintainers fontconfig Debian FreeIPA Team freeipa jss libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi pytest-multihost Debian Games Team simutrans Debian Games Team adonthell allegro4.4 armagetronad asciijump barrage boswars clanlib grhino kobodeluxe noiz2sa openarena-oacmp1 pinball-table-gnu retroarch springlobby visualboyadvance warmux xwelltris Debian GCC Maintainers debugedit mpfr4 nvptx-tools Debian GIS Project aggdraw cftime geolinks libcitygml mapproxy netcdf netcdf4-python ogdi-dfsg osm-gps-map owslib php-geos pycoast pymap3d pyosmium pyshp python-cartopy python-click-plugins python-cligj python-deprecated python-geojson python-geopandas python-geotiepoints python-osmapi python-pyproj python-rtree python-shapely python-snuggs python-stetl rasterio Debian GNOME Maintainers buildstream cairo caribou gnome-dvb-daemon gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor gupnp gupnp-dlna libcloudproviders libcryptui libepc libgee-0.8 mallard-ducktype xdg-user-dirs Debian GNUstep maintainers gnustep-performance gnustep-sqlclient Debian GnuTLS Maintainers libtasn1-6 Debian Go Packaging Team containerd fzf golang-github-containers-common golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-rethinkdb-go.v6 gron nncp notary reposurgeon runc Debian Graphite Group graphite-carbon python-whisper Debian HA Maintainers booth Debian HA Maintainers crmsh pcs sbd Debian Hamradio Maintainers ax25-tools baycomepp quisk uronode Debian Haskell Group c2hs haskell-cabal-install haskell-cairo haskell-conduit haskell-ghc-paths haskell-gi-cairo haskell-gi-glib haskell-gi-xlib haskell-inspection-testing haskell-snap Debian HPC Team ibutils opensm Debian Input Method Team fcitx-qimpanel gcin gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel ibus-avro ibus-braille ibus-input-pad ibus-kkc ibus-skk ibus-table-chinese im-config input-pad libkkc Debian IoT Maintainers duktape libmatthew-java pyicloud pywws Debian ippl maintainers ippl Debian Islamic Maintainers monajat Debian Java Maintainers antlr assertj-core async-http-client bnd castor checker-framework-java commons-httpclient dbus-java f2j gluegen2 jacoco japi-compliance-checker jasmin-sable jdeb jenkins-json jep libfastutil-java libjide-oss-java libmarc4j-java libminidns-java libokhttp-java libsweble-wikitext-java libwoodstox-java lizzie lucene-solr lucene4.10 lucene8 maven-reporting-exec mavibot mp4parser ognl omegat openjpa simple-xml spatial4j stringtemplate wagon Debian Javascript Maintainers awesomplete codemirror-js d3-format d3-tip.js flot jquery-tablesorter jquery-timepicker jsbundle-web-interfaces jscropperui leaflet-geometryutil leaflet-markercluster libjs-angular-schema-form libjs-bootswatch libjs-lrdragndrop libjs-tv4 mustache.js node-agent-base node-ansi-styles node-atomico-rollup-plugin-sizes node-babel7 node-base64-js node-base64url node-big-integer node-big.js node-bluebird node-blueprintjs-colors node-bootstrap-tour node-brotli-size node-builtin-modules node-builtin-status-codes node-camelcase node-camelcase-keys node-chart.js node-cli-cursor node-compression-webpack-plugin node-constantinople node-cross-fetch node-css-loader node-csstype node-d3 node-d3-contour node-d3-fetch node-d3-scale node-diff node-domino node-duplexer3 node-emittery node-eslint-plugin-es node-eslint-plugin-flowtype node-eslint-utils node-eslint-visitor-keys node-esquery node-filesize node-formidable node-glob node-graphlibrary node-grunt-contrib-internal node-grunt-contrib-uglify node-grunt-sass node-handlebars node-https-proxy-agent node-i18next-http-backend node-is-plain-object node-is-stream node-iscroll node-istanbul node-istextorbinary node-jmespath node-jose node-json5 node-jszip-utils node-katex node-load-json-file node-md5-hex node-mem node-merge node-mimic-fn node-mini-css-extract-plugin node-mocha node-mysticatea-eslint-plugin node-nan node-ncp node-neo-async node-npm-run-path node-nunjucks node-opentip node-p-locate node-parse-ms node-path-exists node-pkg-up node-postcss node-pretty-ms node-prismjs node-propagate node-prosemirror-markdown node-quick-lru node-raw-loader node-regexpp node-rollup-plugin-terser node-rollup-plugin-typescript node-schema-utils node-sinclair-typebox node-slash node-socket.io-parser node-stable node-strip-eof node-style-loader node-symbol-observable node-tapable node-thenby node-uuid node-vlq node-webassemblyjs node-xdg-basedir node-zkochan-cmd-shim prefixfree three.js twitter-bootstrap3 uglify-js underscore underscore.string vue-router.js vue.js Debian Julia Team vim-julia Debian KDE Extras Team icecc kphotoalbum qt5reactor qtkeychain Debian Kernel Team iproute2 Debian l10n developers python-l20n translate-toolkit Debian Let's Encrypt python-acme python-certbot python-certbot-apache python-certbot-dns-cloudflare python-certbot-dns-digitalocean python-certbot-dns-dnsimple python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 python-certbot-dns-standalone python-certbot-nginx python-josepy Debian Let's Encrypt Team acme-tiny pyrfc3339 (U) python-certbot-dns-gehirn python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-linode python-certbot-dns-ovh python-certbot-dns-route53 python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud python-cloudflare (U) python-configargparse (U) Debian Libidn team libidn2 Debian Libvirt Maintainers supermin Debian LXDE Maintainers gpicview Debian Mailman Team django-mailman3 mailmanclient postorius Debian Math Team coinor-csdp Debian Med Packaging Team aegean alter-sequence-alignment amide andi ariba baitfisher bamtools bart bart-view bcftools beads bio-tradis biomaj3 biomaj3-cli biomaj3-core biomaj3-daemon biomaj3-download biomaj3-process biomaj3-user biomaj3-zipkin biosig biosyntax busco cassiopee castxml cif-tools circlator civetweb clonalorigin clustalo conda-package-handling ctdconverter ctdopts cwlformat dcmstack dssp eigensoft fast5 fasta3 fastani fastaq fermi-lite galileo genometools gfapy gff2aplot ghmm harmonypy htseq igv insilicoseq iva jellyfish1 king kleborate lefse libamplsolver libcifpp libcolt-free-java libgo-perl libmialm libpdb-redo libpll librostlab libseqlib logol lucy mapdamage mcl microbegps mira mptp mrc nanofilt nanolyse nibabel ntcard optimir pairtools paleomix parallel-fastq-dump pbbam plip poretools proteinortho pycoqc pymia pynn pyode pyqi python-bcbio-gff python-bel-resources python-cigar python-csb python-cutadapt python-dendropy python-dicompylercore python-etelemetry python-fitbit python-gffutils python-hl7 python-intervaltree-bio python-nanoget python-nanomath python-parasail python-pauvre python-pybedtools python-pymummer python-pyvcf python-questplus python-skbio python-sqt python-tinyalign python-wdlparse pyxid pyxnat q2-alignment q2-demux q2-metadata q2-quality-filter q2-taxa qcat qcumber ragout ray reprof roary salmid scoary scythe seirsplus snpomatic socket++ sorted-nearest srst2 svim tantan tiddit tortoize tree-puzzle uncalled yanagiba yanosim Debian Mobcom Maintainers libsmpp34 osmo-ggsn Debian Mono Group libgdiplus Debian Multimedia Maintainers audacity avldrums.lv2 bambootracker flac fomp iipimage jackd2 jalv lib2geom libde265 libkate liblrdf liblscp libsndfile lilv mp3fs mypaint-brushes picard projectm puredata pysoundfile smplayer sooperlooper soundgrain taopm xcfa zynaddsubfx Debian Multimedia Maintainers dataquay Debian Nagios Maintainer Group nsca-ng Debian Netfilter Packaging Team xtables-addons Debian OCaml Maintainers bibtex2html camlbz2 camlmix camlp4 coccinelle cryptokit easy-format gmetadom hevea janest-ocaml-compiler-libs lablgtk-extras mysql-ocaml nss-passwords oasis ocaml-alcotest ocaml-atd ocaml-ca-certs ocaml-cpu ocaml-csexp ocaml-ctypes ocaml-extunix ocaml-gavl ocaml-gettext ocaml-graphics ocaml-mccs ocaml-parany ocaml-sha ocaml-sqlite3 ocaml-zarith ocamlcreal ocamlmakefile ocamlsdl ocamlweb opam pcre-ocaml perl4caml postgresql-ocaml pxp tophide tuareg-mode utop zed Debian Octave Group octave-sparsersb Debian OpenStack aodh barbican-tempest-plugin ceilometer cinder-tempest-plugin cloudkitty cloudkitty-dashboard cloudkitty-tempest-plugin designate-dashboard designate-tempest-plugin freezer freezer-api freezer-web-ui glance-tempest-plugin heat-tempest-plugin ilorest ironic-tempest-plugin ironic-ui keystone-tempest-plugin magnum-tempest-plugin magnum-ui manila-tempest-plugin manila-ui masakari-dashboard mistral-dashboard mistral-tempest-plugin murano-tempest-plugin neutron-vpnaas-dashboard novnc octavia octavia-dashboard octavia-tempest-plugin openstack-nose placement pyroute2 python-autobahn python-calmjs python-calmjs.parse python-calmjs.types python-croniter python-datetimerange python-ddt python-doc8 python-enmerkar python-fixtures python-glance-store python-heatclient python-httpretty python-hurry.filesize python-hvac python-infinity python-json-pointer python-jsonpath-rw python-kafka python-keystonemiddleware python-logutils python-mbstrdecoder python-msgpack python-nose-exclude python-nosehtmloutput python-oauth2client python-octavia-lib python-oslo.limit python-oslo.metrics python-oslo.privsep python-pbr python-pydotplus python-pyghmi python-pyhcl python-rcssmin python-sqlalchemy-utils python-sure python-taskflow python-termcolor python-termstyle python-testscenarios python-testtools python-typepy python-uhashring python-uritemplate python-wrapt python-wsaccel python-xstatic-angular-ui-router python-xvfbwrapper q-text-as-data sahara-dashboard sahara-plugin-spark sahara-plugin-vanilla senlin-dashboard senlin-tempest-plugin sphinxcontrib-httpdomain sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme telemetry-tempest-plugin tempest-horizon trove-dashboard trove-tempest-plugin vitrage-tempest-plugin watcher-tempest-plugin websockify zaqar-tempest-plugin zaqar-ui Debian PaN Maintainers freesas hkl mantis-xray python-spectral pyxrd Debian Perl Group alice cdlabelgen cme lemonldap-ng libafs-pag-perl libalgorithm-svm-perl libanyevent-redis-perl libapache-htgroup-perl libapache-sessionx-perl libapache2-authcookie-perl libapp-control-perl libatombus-perl libatompub-perl libb-hooks-op-check-entersubforcv-perl libb-hooks-op-check-perl libb-hooks-op-ppaddr-perl libb-hooks-parser-perl libb-utils-perl libbit-vector-perl libbloom-filter-perl libbson-xs-perl libcairo-perl libcanary-stability-perl libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl libcatalyst-view-email-perl libcatalyst-view-mason-perl libcatmandu-wikidata-perl libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl libcompress-raw-lzma-perl libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl libconfig-model-tkui-perl libconfig-onion-perl libconfig-simple-perl libconfig-std-perl libconfig-zomg-perl libconvert-tnef-perl libcpan-checksums-perl libcrypt-smime-perl libcrypt-util-perl libcss-packer-perl libcvs-perl libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl libdancer2-perl libdata-dump-streamer-perl libdata-parsebinary-perl libdata-validate-perl libdata-validate-uri-perl libdatetime-incomplete-perl libdbix-safe-perl libdevel-strictmode-perl libdevice-usb-perl libdist-inkt-profile-tobyink-perl libdist-inkt-role-hg-perl libdist-inkt-role-release-perl libdist-inkt-role-test-kwalitee-perl libdist-inkt-role-test-perl libelixirfm-perl libemail-localdelivery-perl libemail-stuffer-perl libencoding-fixlatin-perl libex-monkeypatched-perl libfcgi-perl libfile-copy-link-perl libfile-data-perl libfile-inplace-perl libfile-libmagic-perl libfile-tail-perl libfile-zglob-perl libfuture-asyncawait-perl libgd-graph3d-perl libgd-perl libgraphics-gnuplotif-perl libhash-fieldhash-perl libhtml-html5-builder-perl libhtml-html5-writer-perl libhtml-mason-perl libhtml-toc-perl libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl libhttp-headers-actionpack-perl libhttp-link-parser-perl libhttp-server-simple-recorder-perl libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl libimage-png-libpng-perl libio-event-perl libjavascript-packer-perl libjson-types-perl liblatex-driver-perl liblexical-underscore-perl liblinux-io-prio-perl liblist-keywords-perl liblist-moreutils-xs-perl liblist-objects-withutils-perl liblogger-syslog-perl libmail-box-perl libmailtools-perl libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl libmarc-file-mij-perl libmarkdent-perl libmarpa-r2-perl libmatch-simple-perl libmatch-simple-xs-perl libmath-base-convert-perl libmath-int128-perl libmath-int64-perl libmath-tamuanova-perl libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl libmaxmind-db-writer-perl libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl libmethod-autoload-perl libmime-lite-perl libmodule-build-pluggable-perl libmodule-install-authorrequires-perl libmodule-install-authortests-perl libmodule-install-contributors-perl libmodule-install-copyright-perl libmodule-install-doap-perl libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl libmodule-install-extratests-perl libmodule-install-manifestskip-perl libmodule-install-perl libmodule-install-rdf-perl libmodule-install-substitute-perl libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl libmodule-manifest-skip-perl libmodule-package-perl libmodule-pluggable-perl libmojolicious-plugin-cgi-perl libmoosex-arrayref-perl libmoox-log-any-perl libnamespace-sweep-perl libnet-cups-perl libnet-daemon-perl libnet-ident-perl libnet-statsd-perl libobject-pad-classattr-struct-perl libobject-pad-perl libparams-util-perl libpath-router-perl libpdf-reuse-perl libperlx-assert-perl libperlx-maybe-xs-perl libplack-middleware-file-sass-perl libplack-middleware-logany-perl libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl libpod-tests-perl libproc-background-perl librdf-acl-perl librdf-doap-lite-perl librdf-generator-void-perl librdf-helper-properties-perl librdf-icalendar-perl librdf-prefixes-perl librdf-query-perl librdf-queryx-lazy-perl librdf-trin3-perl librdf-trine-node-literal-xml-perl librdf-trinex-functions-perl librdf-trinex-serializer-mockturtlesoup-perl librdf-vcard-perl librole-commons-perl libscalar-does-perl libspecio-library-path-tiny-perl libsub-infix-perl libsyntax-keyword-dynamically-perl libsyntax-keyword-match-perl libsyntax-keyword-try-perl libtemplate-alloy-perl libtenjin-perl libtest-base-perl libtest-checkdeps-perl libtest-command-perl libtest-modern-perl libtest-perl-critic-perl libtest-pod-perl libtest-rdf-doap-version-perl libtest-rdf-perl libtest-regression-perl libtest-tabledriven-perl libtest-tabs-perl libtext-mecab-perl libthread-queue-any-perl libtry-tiny-byclass-perl libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl libtrycatch-perl libtype-tiny-xs-perl libtypes-datetime-perl libtypes-uuid-perl libuniversal-ref-perl libusb-libusb-perl libvcs-lite-perl libvitacilina-perl libweb-machine-perl libwx-glcanvas-perl libx11-xcb-perl libx12-parser-perl libxml-atom-fromowl-perl libxml-atom-owl-perl libxml-bare-perl libxml-handler-yawriter-perl libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl libxml-namespace-perl libxml-namespacefactory-perl libxml-rss-libxml-perl libxml-rss-perl libxml-sax-writer-perl libxml-tmx-perl libxml-twig-perl libxs-object-magic-perl libyaml-appconfig-perl libyaml-libyaml-perl libzonemaster-perl rename Debian PhotoTools Maintainers imageindex jpeginfo pngquant Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers php-fxsl php-gettext php-malkusch-lock php-text-template Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers pgbackrest pgcluu pgpool2 pgq Debian Printing Group pyppd Debian Printing Team rasterview Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers libgsecuredelete Debian Python Modules Team fpylll mistune mistune0 path.py Debian Python team gsw (U) Debian Python Team abydos aiomysql aiopg (U) aioredis (U) aioxmlrpc (U) ansible-lint apipkg apispec archmage (U) astroid (U) asyncpg (U) audioread authheaders automat autosuspend azure-devops-cli-extension azure-kusto-python babelfish backoff beancount bleachbit (U) blessings (U) blinker bookletimposer bottleneck bqplot bundlewrap (U) catfish certipy cherrypy3 clikit cmdtest cmyt (U) codespell commonmark-bkrs constantly construct contextlib2 convertdate cookiecutter (U) coreapi coreschema crochet crudini cysignals (U) d2to1 dacite dataclasses-json dateparser deap (U) defusedxml django-anymail django-bitfield django-cas-server django-cors-headers django-environ django-filter (U) django-js-reverse django-ldapdb django-macaddress (U) django-maintenancemode django-measurement django-modeltranslation django-organizations django-pagination django-paintstore django-python3-ldap django-qr-code django-recurrence django-sass-processor django-simple-captcha django-simple-redis-admin django-stronghold django-taggit django-webpack-loader django-wkhtmltopdf django-xmlrpc djangorestframework-api-key dkimpy (U) dkimpy-milter (U) dockerpty dodgy drf-generators dulwich enzyme escapism etm execnet extra-data factory-boy fail2ban faker fastkml (U) fbtftp feedgenerator flake8-comprehensions flake8-polyfill flask flask-babelex flask-bcrypt flask-caching flask-compress flask-htmlmin flask-ldapconn flask-login flask-mail flask-mongoengine flask-multistatic flask-restful flask-security flask-wtf flatlatex flufl.bounce flufl.enum flufl.i18n flufl.lock flufl.password flufl.testing fortran-language-server gaupol (U) genetic (U) gerritlib geventhttpclient (U) ghp-import gitinspector gmplot (U) google-auth-oauthlib gpxviewer guessit gui-ufw gunicorn guzzle-sphinx-theme gwakeonlan (U) h5sparse hachoir helpdev hiro hsmwiz htmlmin httmock hyperlink imap-tools impacket importlib-resources incremental ipdb ipython isodate itypes jeepyb jello jinja2 (U) jpy jsonhyperschema-codec junos-eznc jupyter-client jupyter-console jupyter-core jupyter-server jupyter-telemetry jupyterhub jupyterlab-pygments karabo-bridge kazam kivy kiwisolver (U) knack lazr.config lazy-object-proxy (U) lazygal (U) legacy-api-wrap libapache2-mod-python listparser locket locust (U) logilab-constraint (U) mantis-xray (U) matplotlib-inline mayavi2 membernator menulibre mercurial-extension-utils mercurial-keyring milksnake mimerender mmllib modernize mssql-django mugshot multiprocess (U) munkres mutagen mutagen (U) mwoauth nagiosplugin nagstamon natsort nbclassic nbclient nbconvert nbformat nbgitpuller ntplib numpy-stl numpydoc obsub offlineimap3 onetimepass openlp overpass (U) pamela paq parfive parsedatetime pass-git-helper pastedeploy patiencediff pdfarranger pdfkit pep8-naming pg8000 pickleshare polib (U) ponyorm portalocker postgresfixture power proglog prompt-toolkit proxmoxer purl py-lmdb py-macaroon-bakery py-radix pybeam pycares pyclamd pycxx pydantic (U) pydispatcher pydle pydot (U) pyee pyenchant (U) pyfavicon pyfltk pyfuse3 pygeoif (U) pyglet pygtail pyhamcrest pyjavaproperties pyjokes pyjunitxml pykeepass pylast pyls-spyder pylzss pymacaroons pymilter pymupdf pynag pyparted pyqt-builder pyrad (U) pyrfc3339 pyrle pyrsistent pyrundeck pysdl2 pysimplesoap (U) pysmbc pysolar pyspf (U) pyspread (U) pysrt pystache pystemmer pysvn pytest-arraydiff pytest-cookies pytest-datadir pytest-django pytest-doctestplus pytest-expect pytest-filter-subpackage pytest-forked pytest-forked (U) pytest-helpers-namespace pytest-openfiles pytest-order pytest-pep8 pytest-qt pytest-remotedata pytest-runner pytest-skip-markers pytest-tornasync pytest-xdist python-adal python-agate python-agate-dbf python-agate-sql python-amply python-aniso8601 python-anyio python-argcomplete python-astor python-asyncio-mqtt python-avro python-azure-devtools python-bcdoc python-beniget python-biplist python-bitstring python-bonsai python-bugzilla python-canmatrix (U) python-charset-normalizer python-cheroot python-ci-info python-clevercsv python-click (U) python-cloudflare python-cluster python-cmarkgfm python-colorama python-colored-traceback python-colorlog python-colormap python-colormath python-configargparse python-confluent-kafka python-consul python-consul2 python-crcelk python-crcmod python-cryptography-vectors (U) python-cs (U) python-css-parser python-cytoolz python-daiquiri python-dateutil python-datrie python-dbfread python-dbusmock python-dbussy python-decorator python-depinfo python-dictobj python-dirhash python-dirq python-discogs-client python-distro python-django-cache-machine python-django-casclient (U) python-django-contact-form python-django-crispy-forms-foundation python-django-health-check python-django-ical python-django-import-export python-django-mptt python-django-simple-history python-django-tagging python-dnslib python-doubleratchet python-dsv python-duckpy python-eliot python-emoji python-envisage python-epc python-etcd python-exif python-fastbencode python-fastimport python-fedora python-fisx python-flasgger python-flexmock python-fs python-ftputil python-fudge python-funcy python-gast python-genty python-geoip python-getdns python-gitdb python-glob2 python-gnupg (U) python-gnuplotlib python-gpsoauth python-guizero python-h2 python-hdmedians python-hiredis python-hpack python-httplib2 python-hyperframe python-idna python-imagesize python-inflect python-iniconfig python-iniparse python-ipmi python-irodsclient python-iso3166 python-isoweek python-itemadapter python-itemloaders python-itsdangerous python-jpype python-jsonrpc python-junit-xml python-keepalive python-leather python-levenshtein (U) python-libnacl python-limits python-line-profiler python-llfuse (U) python-log-symbols python-lsp-black python-lsp-isort python-lsp-mypy python-lsp-rope python-lunardate python-ly python-lzstring python-makefun python-markdown-include python-markdown-math (U) python-markdown2 python-markuppy python-marshmallow-enum python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy python-mastodon (U) python-matplotlib-venn python-matrix-common (U) python-mccabe python-measurement python-meld3 python-merge3 python-mockito python-mpv python-msrest python-msrestazure python-multipledispatch python-multisplitby python-munch python-murmurhash python-mypy-extensions python-mysqldb python-nacl python-ncls python-nest-asyncio python-ntlm-auth python-nubia python-odf python-odoorpc python-offtrac (U) python-openid-cla python-openid-teams python-openqa-client python-overpy (U) python-padme python-pallets-sphinx-themes python-pampy python-pandocfilters python-passlib python-paypal python-pem python-persist-queue python-persistent python-pgbouncer python-phonenumbers python-picklable-itertools python-pipdeptree python-pkgconfig python-pkginfo python-plac python-plaster-pastedeploy python-pluginbase python-potr python-ppmd (U) python-prctl python-preshed python-pretend python-progress python-progressbar (U) python-protego python-prov python-publicsuffix2 python-pure-eval python-py-zipkin python-pygerrit2 python-pyld python-pylibsrtp python-pynvim python-pyotp python-pypubsub python-pyramid python-pyramid-chameleon python-pytest-benchmark (U) python-pytest-click python-pythonjsonlogger python-qrcode python-qtconsole python-queuelib python-rarfile (U) python-ratelimiter python-rdflib-jsonld python-readme-renderer python-rebulk python-redis python-regex (U) python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface python-requests-ntlm python-resolvelib python-roman python-rpaths python-rply python-scantree python-schedutils (U) python-schroot python-scripttest python-scrypt python-setproctitle python-setuptools-rust python-sexpdata python-sh python-shellescape python-shodan python-sinfo python-slugify python-smoke-zephyr python-smstrade python-socksipy python-sparkpost python-spectra python-spinners python-ssdeep python-stack-data python-stopit python-stubserver python-sybil python-tablib python-tabulate python-tblib python-test-server python-testing.common.database python-text-unidecode python-timeline python-tinycss python-tktreectrl python-tld python-tokenize-rt python-traits python-traitsui python-txrequests python-typing-inspect python-udatetime (U) python-unicodedata2 (U) python-upsetplot python-urwidtrees python-vagrant python-venusian python-vobject python-wadllib (U) python-watchgod python-webargs python-webdavclient python-webencodings python-webob python-werkzeug python-wget python-whitenoise python-whoosh python-wither python-wordcloud python-wsgilog python-x3dh python-xapian-haystack python-xeddsa python-xlib python-xlrd python-xmlrunner python-xmlsec python-xopen python3-antlr4 python3-openid python3-proselint python3-typed-ast pythondialog pywavefront pywinrm pyxdameraulevenshtein pyxdg pyyaml pyzmq pyzor qdarkstyle qstylizer qtsass quark-sphinx-theme rabbitvcs radon rdiff-backup readability redis-py-cluster rename-flac responses retweet (U) robot-detection ropgadget rst2pdf segno send2trash setuptools-scm sgmllib3k (U) shellingham shortuuid simplegeneric simplejson singledispatch six smartypants social-auth-core sortedcollections sphinx-intl sphinx-prompt sphinx-remove-toctrees sphinxcontrib-doxylink sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet (U) sphinxcontrib-restbuilder spyne sqlacodegen sqlalchemy-i18n sqlparse (U) sshtunnel stomper supervisor terminado terminator textdistance texttable three-merge thunarx-python (U) tifffile tinyarray tkrzw-python tldr-py toot (U) tqdm (U) traitlets translation-finder transmissionrpc tuna (U) tweepy twine twodict txacme txdbus txsni txt2tags typogrify ujson unidecode utidylib vdirsyncer voluptuous waitress wcag-contrast-ratio wchartype webtest weresync whatthepatch whichcraft whipper wikitrans wlc wsgiproxy2 wtf-peewee wurlitzer xlwt (U) yamllint yapf (U) yoyo zope.deprecation zope.interface Debian QA Group apparix c-icap catdvi coinor-vol dawgdic django-notification dosage eigenbase-farrago esnacc faifa filter freefem gammastep git-phab gnupod-tools grepmail hercules id3lib3.8.3 latex-mk libcgicc libgadu libgpod libhbaapi libjs-emojify libquvi libquvi-scripts librcd libsieve libtrio libxsettings-client lomoco madlib mailfront mgdiff microdc2 mmh mp3burn mrtgutils muse-el naspro-core netcdf-fortran openwince-include opt pam-shield pyecm pylint-plugin-utils pyocd python-characteristic python-diaspy python-first python-minimock python-mplexporter python-ofxhome python-ofxparse python-public python-pyrdfa python-redmine python-ttystatus qwo redland-bindings ruby-tioga sendfile spamprobe sputnik swedish tcmu tk707 tsocks tuxcmd typespeed upse wvstreams wxedid yafc zc.buildout zsync Debian Qt Extras Team gcompris-qt Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers kcalutils kseexpr qtquickcontrols-opensource-src qtserialbus-everywhere-src qttranslations-opensource-src qtwebchannel-opensource-src Debian R Packages Maintainers r-bioc-affyio r-bioc-fmcsr r-bioc-makecdfenv r-bioc-rhtslib r-cran-bslib r-cran-cairo r-cran-data.table r-cran-fastcluster r-cran-fftw r-cran-freetypeharfbuzz r-cran-gert r-cran-git2r r-cran-glmmtmb r-cran-gprofiler2 r-cran-jsonld r-cran-lwgeom r-cran-mcmcpack r-cran-pki r-cran-plumber r-cran-prophet r-cran-qpdf r-cran-rcurl r-cran-rjags r-cran-rniftilib r-cran-stringi r-cran-textshaping r-cran-tiff r-cran-udunits2 r-cran-units r-cran-uuid rapache Debian Rakudo Maintainers prove6 Debian Raspberry Pi Maintainers gpiozero Debian Remote Maintainers libvncserver python-x2go remote-logon-service x2goserver Debian Remote Maintainers remote-logon-config-agent Debian Request Tracker Group rt-extension-jsgantt rt-extension-repeatticket Debian Robotics Team ros2-ament-package ros2-colcon-argcomplete ros2-colcon-bash ros2-colcon-cd ros2-colcon-cmake ros2-colcon-defaults ros2-colcon-devtools ros2-colcon-library-path ros2-colcon-metadata ros2-colcon-notification ros2-colcon-output ros2-colcon-package-information ros2-colcon-package-selection ros2-colcon-parallel-executor ros2-colcon-pkg-config ros2-colcon-python-setup-py ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl ros2-colcon-ros ros2-colcon-test-result ros2-colcon-zsh Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers ruby-celluloid ruby-childprocess ruby-countries ruby-feature ruby-hrx ruby-mina ruby-pry-rails ruby-rbnacl ruby-ref ruby-rubyvis ruby-wisper Debian Ruby Extras Team ruby-ahoy-email Debian Ruby Maintainers ruby-voight-kampff Debian Ruby Team asciidoctor rubocop ruby-async-process ruby-async-rspec ruby-augeas ruby-batch-loader ruby-binding-of-caller ruby-bunny ruby-capybara ruby-celluloid ruby-console ruby-countries ruby-dry-core ruby-enumerable-statistics ruby-factory-bot ruby-haml-rails ruby-ice-cube ruby-jaeger-client ruby-jbuilder ruby-libxml ruby-localhost ruby-marcel ruby-memory-profiler ruby-mocha ruby-mono-logger ruby-nio4r ruby-protocol-hpack ruby-protocol-http ruby-protocol-http1 ruby-protocol-http2 ruby-rb-inotify ruby-rdiscount ruby-redcloth ruby-rgen ruby-rollout ruby-rspec-files ruby-rspec-memory ruby-rspec-stubbed-env ruby-rsync ruby-rubocop-ast ruby-secure-headers ruby-simplecov ruby-svg-graph ruby-tty-reader Debian Rust Maintainers rust-backtrace-sys rust-fd-find rust-libnghttp2-sys rust-scopeguard-0.3 Debian Salt Team pytest-salt pytest-tempdir salt-pylint Debian Sass team sass-stylesheets-purecss Debian Science Maintainers palp python-pyclustering Debian Science Maintainers amp ann armadillo arpys cif-api clhep colorcet critterding denss euslisp forge freesas (U) gap-factint gap-toric gerris gmp guidata gvars3 h5py hkl (U) liac-arff libmatheval libqglviewer libsdsl libticonv liggghts metis mona nbsphinx-link ntl optlang pybind11 pycollada pyct python-admesh python-aws-xray-sdk python-bitstring python-cymem python-gimmik python-h5netcdf python-igor python-imageio python-jsondiff python-memory-profiler python-msgpack-numpy python-nose-random python-param python-procrunner python-pweave python-pyorick python-pyqtgraph python-qwt python-spectral (U) python-ulmo pyxrd (U) pyzoltan reprounzip reprozip ros-catkin-tools ros-collada-urdf ros-image-common ros-osrf-pycommon ros-rosdistro ros-rospkg ros-vcstools rubiks sphinxcontrib-bibtex spyder spyder-kernels superlu texmaker tilp2 togl toon xeus-python zoem Debian Science Team apertium-apy apertium-eo-ca apertium-eo-fr apertium-fr-es python-suitesparse-graphblas Debian Science Team apertium-es-pt apertium-streamparser fftw fiat genetic geomview gmp gts libzn-poly meschach pplpy python-demgengeo tetgen ufl wxastrocapture Debian SDL packages maintainers libsdl2 libsdl2-mixer Debian Security Tools acct aircrack-ng dfwinreg dhcpig dnsrecon john libbde libcreg libesedb libevt libevtx libewf libfsapfs libfsext libfshfs libfsntfs libfsxfs libfvde libfwnt libfwsi liblnk libluksde libmsiecf libolecf libqcow libregf librtr libscca libsigscan libsmdev libsmraw libvhdi libvmdk libvshadow libvslvm ncrack nmap patator pocsuite3 python-darts.lib.utils.lru python-vulndb pytsk rhash sleuthkit ssldump termineter vinetto websploit wifite yara-python (U) Debian SELinux maintainers selinux-python Debian semweb Team zeitgeist Debian Sugar Team python-gwebsockets Debian systemd Maintainers python-systemd Debian sysvinit maintainers sysvinit Debian Tasktools Packaging Team tasksh Debian Tasktools Packaging Team powerline-taskwarrior taskd Debian Tasktools Team task Debian Tcl/Tk Packagers itcl4 Debian Telepathy maintainers farstream-0.2 Debian TeX Task Force texinfo xindy Debian Tryton Maintainers cached-property goocalendar python-sql python-zeep relatorio simpleeval tryton-client tryton-proteus tryton-server Debian TTS Team speech-dispatcher Debian UBports Team lomiri-api lomiri-ui-extras process-cpp Debian VDR Team vdr-plugin-dvd vdr-plugin-mp3 vdr-plugin-skinenigmang vdr-plugin-xineliboutput Debian Vim Maintainers neovim-qt Debian Virtualbox Team kbuild Debian VoIP Team bcg729 iaxmodem janus libccrtp libsrtp2 portaudio19 radcli simple-whip-client simple-whip-server sip-tester Debian Window Maker Team wmpinboard Debian Xfce Maintainers xfce4-notifyd xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin Debian XML/SGML Group dita-ot docbook2x Debian XMPP Maintainers libervia-backend libervia-templates libsignal-protocol-c loudmouth python-nbxmpp python-omemo sms4you Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team bamf caja-seahorse mate-common mate-tweak onboard xfce4-sntray-plugin (U) Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers kcollectd libaccounts-qt DebianOnMobile Maintainers mfgtools Debichem Team avogadrolibs cclib devicexlib gausssum liboglappth pymatgen python-griddataformats qcelemental qcengine Deng Xiyue autoconf-archive (U) Denis Barbier po4a (U) Denis Danilov fortran-language-server (U) Denis Laxalde numpydoc (U) Dennis Braun fomp (U) jalv (U) lilv (U) mp3fs (U) projectm (U) zynaddsubfx (U) Dennis Braun audacity (U) avldrums.lv2 (U) bambootracker (U) liblscp (U) sooperlooper (U) Dennis van Dok igtf-policy-bundle Devabhaktuni Bhuvan Krishna d3-tip.js (U) Devid Antonio Filoni gui-ufw (U) Dhanesh B. Sabane node-d3-fetch (U) Diane Trout libaccounts-qt (U) Diane Trout dnssec-trigger (U) harmonypy (U) htseq (U) legacy-api-wrap (U) locket (U) pytest-expect (U) python-caldav (U) python-get-version python-upsetplot (U) scikit-misc sortedcollections (U) sphinx-remove-toctrees (U) Didier Roche bamf (U) Diego M. Rodriguez python-beniget (U) python-gast (U) python-nest-asyncio (U) Dima Kogan pcb-rnd (U) pyfltk (U) python-gnuplotlib (U) Dirk Eddelbuettel rgl Dmitry Borodaenko ruby-redcloth (U) ruby-svg-graph (U) Dmitry E. Oboukhov libtorrent (U) Dmitry Shachnev mkdocs-nature pyqt-builder (U) python-imagesize (U) python-markdown-math qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) Dmitry Smirnov python-psycogreen python-rencode runc (U) smartmontools dnssec-trigger packagers dnssec-trigger Docker Compose Team docker-pycreds Domenico Andreoli dwarves (U) Dominic Hargreaves ircd-hybrid libcairo-perl (U) libdata-validate-uri-perl (U) libgd-perl (U) libhash-fieldhash-perl (U) libhtml-mason-perl (U) libmime-lite-perl (U) libvcs-lite-perl (U) rename (U) rt-extension-jsgantt (U) rt-extension-repeatticket (U) rt-extension-smsnotify Dominik George django-sass-processor (U) flask-compress (U) flask-ldapconn (U) gpiozero (U) python-charset-normalizer (U) python3-openid (U) thonny (U) upass Dominik George flask-mail (U) leaflet-geometryutil (U) libsignal-protocol-c (U) mimerender (U) mmllib (U) pg8000 (U) prefixfree (U) python-testing.common.database (U) Dominique Belhachemi django-tastypie Dominique Corbex bibletime (U) sword-comm-mhcc (U) sword-comm-scofield (U) sword-dict-naves (U) sword-dict-strongs-greek (U) sword-dict-strongs-hebrew (U) Dominique Dumont cdlabelgen (U) cme (U) lcdproc libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl (U) libconfig-model-tkui-perl (U) libemail-stuffer-perl (U) libjavascript-packer-perl (U) prove6 (U) Don Armstrong libmath-int64-perl (U) Doug Rintoul scim-kmfl-imengine Doug Torrance wmpinboard (U) Doug Torrance coinor-csdp (U) Dr. Tobias Quathamer manpages po4a (U) quilt (U) Drew Parsons avogadrolibs (U) fiat (U) gerris (U) meschach (U) paq (U) pylzss (U) pymatgen (U) python-griddataformats (U) pyxdameraulevenshtein (U) superlu (U) three-merge (U) ufl (U) Dylan Aïssi biosyntax (U) galileo (U) libmtp (U) openrazer optimir (U) python-colormath (U) python-fitbit (U) python-lzstring (U) python-spectra (U) Dylan R. E. Moonfire taoframework (U) Ed Boraas tinyproxy (U) Eder L. Marques txt2tags (U) Eduardo M Kalinowski kildclient Edward Betts sqlalchemy-i18n (U) Ejabberd Packaging Team erlang-p1-cache-tab erlang-p1-eimp erlang-p1-iconv erlang-p1-mqtree erlang-p1-pam erlang-p1-sip erlang-p1-sqlite3 erlang-p1-stringprep erlang-p1-xml erlang-p1-xmpp erlang-p1-yaml erlang-p1-yconf erlang-p1-zlib Elana Hashman data-xml-clojure (U) Elena Grandi debdate proxmoxer (U) python-gnupg rst2pdf (U) Elimar Riesebieter alsa-tools (U) Elliot Murphy python-whisper (U) Emanuele Rocca prometheus-trafficserver-exporter systemtap Emilio Pozuelo Monfort cairo (U) caribou (U) fontconfig (U) libcryptui (U) libepc (U) terminator (U) Emmanuel Arias clikit (U) coccinelle (U) python-ftputil (U) python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy (U) python-xlib (U) shellingham (U) Emmanuel Arias impacket (U) Emmanuel Bourg assertj-core (U) async-http-client (U) bnd (U) commons-httpclient (U) japi-compliance-checker (U) jasmin-sable (U) jdeb (U) maven-reporting-exec (U) mavibot (U) mp4parser (U) wagon (U) Enrico Tassi lua-posix Epoptes Developers epoptes Eric Anholt fonts-klaudia-berenika (U) Eric Cooper ocaml-sha (U) Eric Desrochers sosreport Eric Dorland automake-1.16 automake1.11 libtasn1-6 (U) Eric Sharkey cabextract Erich Schubert enigma Erik de Castro Lopo c2hs (U) Erik Schanze txt2pdbdoc Erik Wenzel nfdump Ernesto Hernández-Novich (USB) libcss-packer-perl (U) libjavascript-packer-perl (U) Esteban Bosse i3pystatus Etienne Millon babelfish (U) enzyme (U) gmpc (U) guessit (U) pysrt (U) python-rebulk (U) visualboyadvance (U) Fabian Greffrath flac (U) Fabian Klötzl andi (U) Fabian Köster simple-xml (U) Fabian Wolff python-picklable-itertools (U) Fabrice BAUZAC-STEHLY python-mockito (U) Fadi Al-katout (cutout) monajat (U) FAUcc Team faucc Federico Ceratto django-axes (U) django-stronghold (U) libmaxmind-db-writer-perl (U) naev netdata (U) nim onionbalance python-django-bootstrap-form (U) python-dotenv python-marshmallow python-pytest-cov python-q python-socksipychain (U) Felipe Sateler docker-pycreds (U) phpmyadmin (U) Felix Geyer libsdl2 (U) python-prctl (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) warmux (U) Felix Krull python-tinycss (U) quark-sphinx-theme (U) Felix Salfelder ntl (U) Felix Zielcke multiboot (U) Ferenc Wágner sbd (U) Filip Pytloun gerritlib (U) jeepyb (U) python-datrie (U) python-pygerrit2 (U) vdirsyncer (U) Filippo Giunchedi sensors-applet (U) Filippo Rusconi beads (U) isospec (U) libodsstream (U) Florent Rougon pythondialog (U) Florian Maier smartmontools (U) Florian Pelgrim pyroute2 (U) Florian Schlichting libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) librdf-prefixes-perl (U) librdf-trin3-perl (U) libtest-rdf-perl (U) Florian Schlichting canlock libapache-htgroup-perl (U) libb-hooks-parser-perl (U) libbit-vector-perl (U) libcrypt-smime-perl (U) libemail-localdelivery-perl (U) libhtml-mason-perl (U) libhttp-link-parser-perl (U) libmath-int128-perl (U) libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl (U) libmime-lite-perl (U) librdf-vcard-perl (U) libtest-command-perl (U) libthread-queue-any-perl (U) libxml-atom-fromowl-perl (U) libxml-atom-owl-perl (U) libxml-rss-libxml-perl (U) libxml-sax-writer-perl (U) Francesco Paolo Lovergine hdup netcdf (U) ogdi-dfsg (U) pyfuse3 (U) ypbind-mt ypserv Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro patator (U) Francois Marier ax25-tools (U) email-reminder fcheck git-secrets libhdhomerun planetfilter Frank Küster texinfo (U) Frank Neuber pcsc-cyberjack François-René Rideau cl-asdf (U) Free Ekanayaka audacity (U) automat (U) constantly (U) hyperlink (U) incremental (U) liblscp (U) obsub (U) python-mimeparse (U) python-pyramid-tm systemfixtures FreedomBox Packaging Team python-django-bootstrap-form FreedomBox packaging team django-axes python-socksipychain Freexian Packaging Team ruby-in-parallel Frédéric Pierret libcomps Félix Sipma twodict (U) Gabriel Filion ruby-tty-reader (U) ruby-wisper (U) Gabriele Giacone <1o5g4r8o@gmail.com> critterding (U) Gard Spreemann cava-alsa (U) eagerpy phat python-cdsapi python-pot python-pyspike Gaudenz Steinlin sinfo (U) Geoffroy Youri Berret python-musicpd Georg Faerber ruby-factory-bot (U) Georg Faerber codespell (U) George Danchev gbgoffice (U) Georges Khaznadar expeyes expeyes-doc grepmail jsxgraph kuttypy m2l-pyqt pampi partclone pyacidobasic python-odf (U) scolasync scribus-template segno (U) turing units-filter Gert Wollny amide (U) castxml (U) gtkglext pymia (U) Gert Wollny libmialm (U) Gertjan Halkes libtranscript Ghislain Antony Vaillant bottleneck (U) flake8-polyfill (U) forge (U) h5py (U) pybind11 (U) pytest-qt (U) python-agate (U) python-agate-dbf (U) python-agate-sql (U) python-bitstring (U) python-cartopy (U) python-dbfread (U) python-gimmik (U) python-h5netcdf (U) python-imageio (U) python-jsonrpc (U) python-keepalive (U) python-leather (U) python-line-profiler (U) python-memory-profiler (U) python-prov (U) python-pweave (U) python-rpaths (U) reprounzip (U) reprozip (U) sphinxcontrib-bibtex (U) sphinxcontrib-doxylink (U) spyder (U) Gianfranco Costamagna docbook2x (U) guzzle-sphinx-theme (U) kbuild (U) knockpy ndg-httpsclient python-darts.lib.utils.lru (U) python-esmre python-keyutils python-pyqtgraph (U) python-vulndb (U) python-xkcd s3cmd (U) udiskie Giovani Augusto Ferreira funcoeszz vinetto (U) Giovanni Mascellani fstransform libwoodstox-java (U) mandelbulber2 Gonéri Le Bouder python-xvfbwrapper (U) Gonéri Le Bouder barrage (U) Gordon Ball codemirror-js (U) ipython (U) jupyter-client (U) jupyter-console (U) jupyter-core (U) matplotlib-inline (U) nbclient (U) nbconvert (U) nbformat (U) prompt-toolkit (U) python-pure-eval (U) python-setproctitle (U) python-stack-data (U) pyyaml (U) r-cran-uuid (U) task (U) xeus-python (U) gregor herrmann libapache-sessionx-perl (U) libb-hooks-op-ppaddr-perl (U) libb-utils-perl (U) libbit-vector-perl (U) libcairo-perl (U) libcompress-raw-lzma-perl (U) libconfig-model-tkui-perl (U) libconfig-simple-perl (U) libconfig-std-perl (U) libcpan-checksums-perl (U) libcss-packer-perl (U) libcvs-perl (U) libdancer2-perl (U) libdata-dump-streamer-perl (U) libemail-localdelivery-perl (U) libfile-libmagic-perl (U) libfuture-asyncawait-perl (U) libgraphics-gnuplotif-perl (U) libhash-fieldhash-perl (U) libhtml-mason-perl (U) libhtml-toc-perl (U) libhttp-server-simple-recorder-perl (U) liblist-keywords-perl (U) liblist-moreutils-xs-perl (U) liblogger-syslog-perl (U) libmail-box-perl (U) libmailtools-perl (U) libmath-base-convert-perl (U) libmime-lite-perl (U) libmodule-install-perl (U) libmodule-pluggable-perl (U) libnet-cups-perl (U) libnet-daemon-perl (U) libnet-ident-perl (U) libobject-pad-perl (U) libparams-util-perl (U) libpdf-reuse-perl (U) libpod-tests-perl (U) libproc-background-perl (U) libsyntax-keyword-dynamically-perl (U) libsyntax-keyword-match-perl (U) libsyntax-keyword-try-perl (U) libtemplate-alloy-perl (U) libtest-base-perl (U) libtest-perl-critic-perl (U) libtest-pod-perl (U) libtest-regression-perl (U) libtext-mecab-perl (U) libusb-libusb-perl (U) libxml-bare-perl (U) libxml-rss-libxml-perl (U) libxml-rss-perl (U) libxml-sax-writer-perl (U) libxml-twig-perl (U) libxs-object-magic-perl (U) libyaml-libyaml-perl (U) Gregory Colpart ansible-lint (U) Grigori Fursin python-ck GRUB Maintainers multiboot Guido Günther nosexcover python-dateutil (U) python-vobject (U) whatmaps Guilhem Moulin dropbear netmask signing-party termtosvg Guillaume Grossetie asciidoctor (U) Guinness python-hkdf Gunnar Hjalmarsson ibus-avro (U) im-config (U) Gustavo Franco pyspf (U) Gustavo Noronha Silva underscore.string (U) Gürkan Myczko bambootracker (U) handsome_feng ukui-interface (U) ukui-menus (U) ukui-panel (U) Hans van Kranenburg python-btrfs Hans-Christoph Steiner django-js-reverse (U) django-sass-processor (U) hsmwiz (U) pyjavaproperties (U) python-biplist (U) python-potr (U) python-qrcode (U) python-vagrant (U) sqlcipher Harlan Lieberman-Berg librdf-vcard-perl (U) libtenjin-perl (U) Harlan Lieberman-Berg pyrfc3339 (U) python-acme (U) python-certbot (U) python-certbot-apache (U) python-certbot-dns-cloudflare (U) python-certbot-dns-digitalocean (U) python-certbot-dns-dnsimple (U) python-certbot-dns-gehirn (U) python-certbot-dns-google (U) python-certbot-dns-linode (U) python-certbot-dns-ovh (U) python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 (U) python-certbot-dns-route53 (U) python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud (U) python-certbot-nginx (U) python-cloudflare (U) python-configargparse (U) python-josepy (U) python-ntlm-auth (U) python-requests-ntlm (U) pywinrm (U) Hendrik Tews easy-format (U) Henry-Nicolas Tourneur construct (U) listparser (U) mfgtools (U) pyfavicon (U) pykeepass (U) readability (U) yoyo (U) Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto python-gphoto2 Hideki Yamane mlterm (U) poppler-data pysmbc (U) ruby-async-process (U) ruby-async-rspec (U) ruby-console (U) ruby-localhost (U) ruby-protocol-hpack (U) ruby-protocol-http (U) ruby-protocol-http1 (U) ruby-protocol-http2 (U) ruby-rspec-files (U) ruby-rspec-memory (U) snapper sphinx-intl (U) tiarra xfonts-efont-unicode (U) xfonts-kaname (U) xfonts-mplus (U) yudit HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) open-jtalk Hilko Bengen augeas dfwinreg (U) libbde (U) libcreg (U) libesedb (U) libevt (U) libevtx (U) libfsapfs (U) libfsext (U) libfshfs (U) libfsntfs (U) libfsxfs (U) libfvde (U) libfwnt (U) libfwsi (U) liblnk (U) libluksde (U) libmsiecf (U) libolecf (U) libqcow (U) libregf (U) libscca (U) libsigscan (U) libsmdev (U) libsmraw (U) libvhdi (U) libvmdk (U) libvshadow (U) libvslvm (U) lucene4.10 (U) nmap (U) python-acora python-evtx python-intervaltree python-pefile pytsk (U) supermin (U) utop (U) virt-v2v yara-python zed (U) Hilmar Preusse texinfo (U) wp2latex xindy (U) Hiroyuki Ito ngraph-gtk Holger Levsen munin (U) Hubert Chathi node-bluebird (U) Hugo Lefeuvre bleachbit patator (U) pyrandom2 pytest-cookies (U) python-braintree python-isoweek (U) python-pyotp (U) python-pytest-benchmark python-qrcode (U) python-qrencode python-rarfile python-slugify (U) python-whois pyzor (U) Hypra Team ccsm Héctor Orón Martínez osc-plugins-dput (U) Iain Lane cairo (U) haskell-cabal-install (U) libgee-0.8 (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Iain R. Learmonth powerline-taskwarrior (U) tasksh (U) Ian Campbell cmake-format Ian Jackson sysvinit (U) Ian Wienand libatomic-ops Ignace Mouzannar python-queuelib (U) Ilias Tsitsimpis goobook haskell-cabal-install (U) haskell-cairo (U) python-udatetime intrigeri bookletimposer (U) libcairo-perl (U) IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) libsndfile (U) puredata (U) pysoundfile (U) python-canmatrix Ivan Kohler libapache2-authcookie-perl (U) libhash-fieldhash-perl (U) libhtml-mason-perl (U) Ivan Udovichenko libjs-angular-schema-form (U) libjs-bootswatch (U) libjs-tv4 (U) Ivo De Decker libapache2-mod-auth-tkt Iñaki Malerba doit (U) fades python-executing python-furl python-icecream python-logassert python-mergedict python-orderedmultidict Jackson Doak etm (U) menulibre (U) mugshot (U) python-meld3 (U) Jai Flack fzf (U) Jaime Robles baycomepp (U) Jakob Haufe minitube Jakub Adam bnd (U) dita-ot (U) pidgin-sipe James Lu lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings qalculate-gtk (U) variety James Lu qalculate-gtk (U) James McCoy neovim-qt (U) python-pynvim (U) James Page jenkins-json (U) James Valleroy awesomplete (U) django-axes (U) django-stronghold (U) libminidns-java (U) php-malkusch-lock (U) python-django-bootstrap-form (U) python-pyld (U) James Westby libtasn1-6 (U) Jamie Wilkinson gle Jan Dittberner nagiosplugin (U) python-fs (U) python-fudge (U) python-pkginfo (U) python-smstrade (U) virtualenv-clone xlwt Jan Hauke Rahm enum Jan Janak radcli (U) Jan Luca Naumann nitrokey-app Janos Lenart kubernetes tar Jari Aalto cscope (U) Jaromír Mikeš audacity (U) avldrums.lv2 (U) dataquay (U) fomp (U) jalv (U) liblscp (U) lilv (U) sooperlooper (U) zynaddsubfx (U) Jason Hedden prometheus-openstack-exporter Jason Pleau docker-pycreds (U) dockerpty (U) neovim-qt (U) Jean-Philippe MENGUAL speech-tools (U) speechd-up (U) Jeffrey Ratcliffe libimage-png-libpng-perl (U) Jelmer Vernooij python-testtools (U) Jelmer Vernooij aiozipkin apispec (U) buildlog-consultant defusedxml (U) dulwich (U) flask-caching (U) loggerhead (U) milksnake (U) ognibuild patiencediff (U) ponyorm (U) prometheus-xmpp-alerts pydle (U) python-aiohttp-openmetrics python-etcd (U) python-fastbencode (U) python-fastimport (U) python-ghdiff python-merge3 (U) python-saneyaml python-setuptools-rust (U) python-tokenize-rt (U) python-tr python-vobject (U) python-webargs (U) qbrz silver-platter upstream-ontologist vdirsyncer (U) wsgiproxy2 (U) xandikos Jeremiah C. Foster libcvs-perl (U) Jeremy Bicha compreffor (U) gnome-dvb-daemon (U) gupnp-dlna (U) libcloudproviders (U) libepc (U) libgee-0.8 (U) mypaint-brushes (U) pdfarranger (U) psautohint (U) python-booleanoperations (U) ufo2ft (U) Jeremy Bicha buildstream (U) caribou (U) gupnp (U) onboard (U) Jeremy Bícha gupnp (U) Jeremy Lainé pdfarranger (U) pyrad python-netfilter Jeremy Sowden wmpinboard (U) xtables-addons (U) Jeremy T. Bouse alabaster Jeroen Ploemen cherrypy3 (U) re2c Jeroen van der Heijden qpack (U) siridb-connector (U) Jerome Benoit commonmark-bkrs (U) cysignals fpylll (U) gap-factint (U) gap-toric (U) Jerome Charaoui python-pytest-click (U) Jimmy Kaplowitz python-oauth2client (U) Jo Shields libgdiplus (U) Joachim Bauch libde265 (U) Joachim Breitner haskell-ghc-paths (U) Joachim Wiedorn xfe Jochen Sprickerhof gpxviewer (U) python-lsp-black (U) python-lsp-isort (U) python-lsp-mypy (U) python-lsp-rope (U) ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-collada-urdf (U) ros-image-common (U) ros-osrf-pycommon (U) ros-rosdistro (U) ros-rospkg (U) ros-vcstools (U) ros2-ament-package (U) ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cd (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) whatthepatch (U) Joel Rosdahl python-apsw Joenio Costa libtest-base-perl (U) Joerg Dorchain iaxmodem (U) Johan Van de Wauw python-cligj (U) python-geojson (U) python-geopandas (U) python-snuggs (U) Johan Van de Wauw libharu owslib (U) Johan Van de Wauw geolinks (U) python-click-plugins (U) rasterio (U) Johannes 'josch' Schauer ocaml-cpu (U) pymupdf (U) Johannes Ring fiat (U) ufl (U) Johannes Schauer ros-collada-urdf (U) Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues img2pdf ocaml-parany (U) plakativ Johannes Tiefenbacher python-discogs-client (U) python-webdavclient (U) Johannes Wienke autosuspend (U) John Allwine stlcmd John Goerzen nncp (U) John Paul Adrian Glaubitz fs-uae-arcade mate-common (U) virtualjaguar John Paulett python-hl7 (U) Jon Bernard babeltrace liburcu lttnganalyses (U) Jonas Genannt graphite-carbon (U) python-django-tagging (U) python-whisper (U) Jonas Meurer django-mailman3 (U) importlib-resources (U) lazr.config (U) mailmanclient (U) postorius (U) Jonas Meurer django-paintstore (U) python-mysqldb (U) robot-detection (U) Jonas Schäfer python-aioopenssl python-aiosasl Jonas Smedegaard astroidmail cwl-upgrader janus (U) jsbundle-web-interfaces (U) leaflet-markercluster (U) libatombus-perl (U) libatompub-perl (U) libbloom-filter-perl (U) libcanary-stability-perl (U) libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl (U) libcatmandu-wikidata-perl (U) libconfig-onion-perl (U) libconfig-zomg-perl (U) libconvert-tnef-perl (U) libcrypt-util-perl (U) libdancer-plugin-dbic-perl (U) libdata-parsebinary-perl (U) libdatetime-incomplete-perl (U) libdevel-strictmode-perl (U) libdist-inkt-profile-tobyink-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-hg-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-release-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-test-kwalitee-perl (U) libdist-inkt-role-test-perl (U) libencoding-fixlatin-perl (U) libex-monkeypatched-perl (U) libfile-data-perl (U) libfile-zglob-perl (U) libgd-graph3d-perl (U) libhtml-html5-builder-perl (U) libhtml-html5-writer-perl (U) libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl (U) libhttp-headers-actionpack-perl (U) libhttp-link-parser-perl (U) libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) libjson-types-perl (U) liblexical-underscore-perl (U) liblinux-io-prio-perl (U) liblist-objects-withutils-perl (U) libmarc-file-marcmaker-perl (U) libmarc-file-mij-perl (U) libmarkdent-perl (U) libmarpa-r2-perl (U) libmatch-simple-perl (U) libmatch-simple-xs-perl (U) libmessage-passing-filter-regexp-perl (U) libmethod-autoload-perl (U) libmodule-install-authorrequires-perl (U) libmodule-install-authortests-perl (U) libmodule-install-contributors-perl (U) libmodule-install-copyright-perl (U) libmodule-install-doap-perl (U) libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl (U) libmodule-install-extratests-perl (U) libmodule-install-manifestskip-perl (U) libmodule-install-rdf-perl (U) libmodule-install-trustmetayml-perl (U) libmodule-manifest-skip-perl (U) libmodule-package-perl (U) libmoosex-arrayref-perl (U) libmoox-log-any-perl (U) libnamespace-sweep-perl (U) libnet-statsd-perl (U) libobject-pad-classattr-struct-perl (U) libobject-pad-perl (U) libpath-router-perl (U) libperlx-assert-perl (U) libperlx-maybe-xs-perl (U) libplack-middleware-file-sass-perl (U) libplack-middleware-logany-perl (U) libplack-middleware-logwarn-perl (U) librdf-acl-perl (U) librdf-doap-lite-perl (U) librdf-generator-void-perl (U) librdf-helper-properties-perl (U) librdf-icalendar-perl (U) librdf-prefixes-perl (U) librdf-query-perl (U) librdf-queryx-lazy-perl (U) librdf-trin3-perl (U) librdf-trine-node-literal-xml-perl (U) librdf-trinex-functions-perl (U) librdf-trinex-serializer-mockturtlesoup-perl (U) librdf-vcard-perl (U) librole-commons-perl (U) libscalar-does-perl (U) libspecio-library-path-tiny-perl (U) libsrtp2 (U) libsub-infix-perl (U) libtest-checkdeps-perl (U) libtest-modern-perl (U) libtest-rdf-doap-version-perl (U) libtest-rdf-perl (U) libtest-tabledriven-perl (U) libtest-tabs-perl (U) libtry-tiny-byclass-perl (U) libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl (U) libtrycatch-perl (U) libtype-tiny-xs-perl (U) libtypes-datetime-perl (U) libtypes-uuid-perl (U) libuniversal-ref-perl (U) libweb-machine-perl (U) libxml-atom-fromowl-perl (U) libxml-atom-owl-perl (U) libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl (U) libxml-namespace-perl (U) libxml-namespacefactory-perl (U) node-base64url (U) node-domino (U) node-eslint-plugin-es (U) node-eslint-utils (U) node-eslint-visitor-keys (U) node-esquery (U) node-mysticatea-eslint-plugin (U) node-regexpp (U) node-rollup-plugin-terser (U) ontospy po4a (U) pyee (U) python-aioice python-aioresponses python-baron python-etesync python-gwebsockets (U) python-janus python-m2r python-mistletoe python-plyer python-prov (U) python-pytest-asyncio python-redbaron sass-stylesheets-purecss (U) simple-whip-client (U) simple-whip-server (U) uglify-js (U) vdirsyncer (U) zeitgeist (U) Jonathan Carter bundlewrap feed2toot flask-caching (U) flask-restful (U) gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (U) power (U) preload python-aniso8601 (U) s-tui speedtest-cli toot xabacus Jonathan Dowland smartmontools (U) trash-cli (U) Jonathan Marsden bibletime (U) Jonathan McCrohan libconfig Jonathan McDowell libtorrent (U) sendip Jonathan Ulrich Horn node-camelcase (U) Jonathan Wiltshire backuppc (U) django-macaddress txt2tags (U) Jool Team jool Joost van Baal-Ilić caspar python-django-adminsortable python-django-casclient rt-extension-repeatticket (U) zoem (U) Jordan Metzmeier nagiosplugin (U) Jordi Mallach alsa-tools (U) libcryptui (U) mailutils multiboot (U) openttd-opensfx (U) tinyproxy (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Jorge Soares fastaq (U) iva (U) Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo cecil-flowanalysis (U) Jose G. López gringotts Jose Luis Rivas libtorrent Jose Luis Rivero empy flake8-comprehensions (U) Jose M Calhariz sawfish Josef Schneider gnome-mastermind tcsh Josenilson Ferreira da Silva python-dirq (U) Joseph Herlant cmph Joseph Nahmias freetds pytest-tornasync (U) Joseph Nuthalapati django-axes (U) Josh Triplett ikiwiki (U) Joshua Kwan flac (U) Josselin Mouette libepc (U) Josue Abarca siege Josue Ortega astrodendro (U) fast-histogram (U) glueviz (U) linux-show-player orbit-predictor (U) pamix plotly portalocker (U) px pyavm (U) pylast (U) pysvn (U) python-axolotl python-axolotl-curve25519 python-bip32utils python-echo python-file-encryptor python-jack-client python-mido python-pkgconfig (U) pyvo (U) twython José Antonio Jiménez Madrid eterm Jotam Jr. Trejo libcss-packer-perl (U) Julian Andres Klode command-not-found software-properties Julian Gilbey abydos (U) paq (U) pyls-spyder (U) pylzss (U) pytest-order (U) python-lsp-black (U) python-qtconsole (U) pyxdameraulevenshtein (U) qstylizer (U) qtsass (U) send2trash (U) spyder (U) spyder-kernels (U) textdistance (U) three-merge (U) wurlitzer (U) Julian Taylor libmatheval (U) pycxx (U) pyzmq (U) Julien Fortin ifupdown2 Julien Puydt fpylll (U) ipython (U) jupyter-client (U) jupyter-core (U) jupyter-server (U) jupyterlab-pygments (U) mistune (U) nbclassic (U) nbclient (U) nbconvert (U) nbformat (U) node-bootstrap-tour (U) node-csstype (U) node-vlq (U) ntl (U) palp (U) path.py (U) pickleshare (U) pplpy (U) python-anyio (U) python-cheroot (U) python-django-cache-machine (U) python-django-ical (U) python-django-import-export (U) python-itsdangerous (U) python-pyclustering (U) python-xmlrunner (U) rubiks (U) setuptools-scm (U) terminado (U) traitlets (U) Julián Moreno Patiño john (U) terminator (U) texmaker (U) Jérémy Bobbio python-libarchive-c ruby-capybara (U) tlsh Jérémy Lal node-formidable (U) node-glob (U) node-nan (U) Jérôme Charaoui cheshire-clojure (U) tigris (U) Jérôme Guelfucci pysmbc (U) Jörg Frings-Fürst ipmiutil libonig simutrans (U) Jörgen Hägg conserver (U) Jürgen Rinas sinfo Kai-Chung Yan (殷啟聰) bnd (U) Kambiz Darabi cl-asdf (U) Kannan V M node-d3-contour (U) Kartik Mistry apertium-apy (U) apertium-eo-ca (U) apertium-eo-fr (U) apertium-es-pt (U) apertium-fr-es (U) apertium-streamparser (U) dee fonts-lohit-deva (U) fonts-lohit-deva-marathi (U) fonts-lohit-deva-nepali (U) fonts-lohit-gujr (U) scanmem (U) uni2ascii yokadi Kei Okada euslisp (U) Keith Packard fontconfig (U) Keith Packard calypso Kentaro Hayashi hinawa-utils Kevin Albertson mongo-c-driver (U) Kevin Murray python-cutadapt (U) python-skbio (U) Kevin Murray bamtools (U) scythe (U) Kilian Krause libccrtp (U) portaudio19 (U) radcli (U) Klas Lindfors yubico-piv-tool (U) Koichi Akabe open-jtalk (U) Konstantinos Margaritis python-gbulb Kouhei Maeda django-shortuuidfield pystache (U) shortuuid (U) sphinxcontrib-actdiag sphinxcontrib-blockdiag sphinxcontrib-nwdiag sphinxcontrib-seqdiag swiftsc tomahawk webcolors kpcyrd rust-scopeguard-0.3 (U) Krzysztof Krzyżaniak (eloy) whipper (U) Kumar Appaiah armadillo (U) speech-tools (U) Kun-Hung Tsai (蔡昆宏) usbauth-notifier Kunal Mehta mwparserfromhell php-excimer (U) php-luasandbox (U) KURASHIKI Satoru mha4mysql-manager mha4mysql-node mysqltuner plsense rt-extension-jsgantt (U) Kurt Kremitzki pycollada (U) python-ulmo (U) Kyle Kloberdanz mongo-c-driver (U) Kyle Robbertze ocaml-gettext (U) kylin Team ukui-panel Kylin Team ukui-interface ukui-menus Lance Lin cwlformat (U) Lasse Flygenring-Harrsen cava-alsa Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) graphviz libdbi-drivers pyzmq (U) Laszlo Kajan librostlab (U) reprof (U) Laurent Bigonville cairo (U) caribou (U) farstream-0.2 (U) gnome-dvb-daemon (U) gupnp (U) nut selinux-python (U) Leandro Ramos go-for-it (U) Lee Garrett ansible-core Lennart Weller mycli (U) netdata (U) network-manager-ssh pgcli (U) prompt-toolkit (U) Leo Antunes gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (U) Leo Costela pidgin-awayonlock Leo Singer astropy-healpix (U) healpy (U) pytest-cython (U) pytest-mpl (U) reproject (U) Leon Bottou djview4 (U) Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-collada-urdf (U) ros-image-common (U) ros-osrf-pycommon (U) ros-rosdistro (U) ros-rospkg (U) ros-vcstools (U) Lev Lamberov load-relative-el (U) python-epc (U) python-sexpdata (U) usepackage Lifeng Sun clhep (U) Linus Vanas python-certbot-dns-standalone (U) Lior Kaplan aspell-ar-large Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) Liubov Chuprikova q2-alignment (U) q2-demux (U) q2-metadata (U) q2-quality-filter (U) q2-taxa (U) Lluís Vilanova coz-profiler Lorenzo De Liso gliv Louis-Philippe Véronneau clj-yaml-clojure (U) dataclasses-json (U) glowing-bear python-clevercsv (U) python-marshmallow-enum (U) python-mpv (U) python-typing-inspect (U) rename-flac (U) Loïc Minier doxyqml Luca Boccassi azure-devops-cli-extension (U) azure-kusto-python (U) iproute2 (U) knack (U) libgoogle-protocolbuffers-perl Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura howdoi Lucas Nussbaum kanif Ludovic Claude bnd (U) stringtemplate (U) Ludovic Drolez gjiten Ludovic Rousseau asedriveiiie Ludovico Cavedon python-iniparse (U) Luiz Amaral fbtftp (U) Lukas Schwaighofer librtr (U) Luke Faraone alpine (U) crudini (U) defusedxml (U) django-bitfield (U) fonttools (U) Luke Yelavich alsa-tools (U) LXQt Packaging Team cmst meteo-qt LXQt Packaging Team cmst Léo Cavaillé texttable (U) Maarten Horden rt-extension-repeatticket (U) Maarten L. Hekkelman cif-tools (U) dssp (U) libcifpp (U) libpdb-redo (U) mrc (U) tortoize (U) Maintainer: Debian QA Group python-plyer Malik Mlitat python-scripttest (U) python3-openid (U) Manas Kashyap ruby-jaeger-client (U) Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo ftgl (U) libsdl2 (U) libsdl2-mixer (U) Marc Dequènes (Duck) boswars (U) dico (U) python-argcomplete (U) Marc Haber daemon ippl (U) Marc Leeman ogmtools Marcelo Jorge Vieira (metal) jscropperui (U) uglify-js (U) Marcelo Jorge Vieira flot (U) php-gettext (U) underscore.string (U) Marcin Kulisz urlscan Marco Nenciarini barman pgpool2 (U) Marcos Fouces acct (U) dnsrecon (U) manpages (U) ncrack (U) python-flasgger (U) websploit (U) Margarita Manterola hannah Mark Brown cvsgraph xemacs21 Mark Hindley sysvinit (U) Mark Purcell icecc (U) libccrtp (U) portaudio19 (U) radcli (U) Markus Demleitner gavodachs (U) Markus Frosch terminator (U) Markus Koschany armagetronad (U) dbus-java (U) libjide-oss-java (U) libmarc4j-java (U) libokhttp-java (U) libsweble-wikitext-java (U) lucene-solr (U) noiz2sa (U) springlobby (U) wbar xarchiver Markus Schade yadifa Markus Teich xsecurelock Markus Tornow ruby-ref (U) Martin libervia-backend (U) libervia-templates (U) libsignal-protocol-c (U) loudmouth (U) maildir-utils (U) pysolar (U) python-asyncio-mqtt (U) python-dbussy (U) python-doubleratchet (U) python-emoji (U) python-iso3166 (U) python-nbxmpp (U) python-odf (U) python-omemo (U) python-persist-queue (U) python-pylibsrtp (U) python-socksipy (U) python-test-server (U) python-x3dh (U) python-xeddsa (U) shortuuid (U) sms4you (U) txdbus (U) Martin Günther pass-git-helper (U) Martin Pitt cockpit-machines (U) cockpit-podman policykit-1 (U) python-dbusmock (U) python-systemd (U) scour Martin Quinson po4a quilt Martin Steghöfer libkate (U) Martin Uecker bart (U) bart-view (U) Martin Ueding ruby-rdiscount (U) Martin Wimpress mate-common (U) Martin Wimpress mate-tweak (U) Martin Wimpress xfce4-sntray-plugin (U) Martin Zobel-Helas python-caldav Martina Ferrari mustache.js (U) Massimo Manghi tdbcmysql tdbcodbc tdbcpostgres Mateusz Łukasik smplayer (U) udevil volumeicon Mathias Behrle cached-property (U) goocalendar (U) python-sql (U) relatorio (U) simpleeval (U) tryton-client (U) tryton-proteus (U) tryton-server (U) Mathias Behrle node-ansi-styles (U) python-zeep (U) Mathias Ertl python-mimeparse Mathias Gibbens python3-lxc (U) Mathieu Malaterre iipimage (U) openmcdf (U) Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre concordance congruity Matrix Packaging Team matrix-synapse-ldap3 python-matrix-common Matt Brown libtrace3 Matt Domsch s3cmd Matt Palmer ruby-augeas (U) Matteo Cypriani libervia-backend (U) libervia-templates (U) Matthew Grant python-setproctitle (U) Matthias Blümel phpmyadmin (U) Matthias Klose distlib lxml mpfr4 (U) nvptx-tools (U) olefile pillow pillow-sane pygccjit pyparallel pyserial setuptools Matthias Klose debugedit (U) Matthias Klumpp debspawn projectm (U) software-properties (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Matthijs Kooijman openttd-opensfx Mattia Rizzolo django-qr-code (U) irclog2html lib2geom (U) licenseutils segno (U) Max Vozeler aespipe makepp Maxim W. node-big-integer (U) Maximiliano Curia backup-manager isodate (U) libaccounts-qt (U) stgit Mechtilde Stehmann imap-tools (U) MediaWiki packaging team php-excimer php-luasandbox Mehdi Dogguy cryptokit (U) ibutils (U) mysql-ocaml (U) ocaml-extunix (U) ocaml-zarith (U) ocamlcreal (U) opam (U) opensm (U) postgresql-ocaml (U) Micah Anderson atheme-services (U) sqlcipher (U) Michael Ablassmeier imageindex (U) Michael Banck cclib (U) cdiff devicexlib (U) gausssum (U) liboglappth (U) pydantic pysyncobj qcelemental (U) qcengine (U) Michael Biebl cairo (U) caribou (U) cockpit-machines (U) firewalld (U) gnome-dvb-daemon (U) libcryptui (U) libepc (U) libgee-0.8 (U) policykit-1 (U) python-systemd (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Michael Fladischer django-python3-ldap (U) django-recurrence (U) django-webpack-loader (U) drf-generators (U) purl (U) python-lunardate (U) python-measurement (U) python-tinycss (U) python-watchgod (U) python-xapian-haystack (U) Michael Hanke biosig (U) nibabel (U) pyglet (U) pyode (U) pyxid (U) pyxnat (U) Michael Hanke dcmstack (U) pynn (U) Michael Hudson-Doyle notary (U) pyyaml (U) Michael Jeanson babeltrace (U) liburcu (U) lttnganalyses Michael Prokop gddrescue kthresher (U) physlock Michael R. Crusoe bamtools (U) bcftools (U) ctdconverter (U) ctdopts (U) python-gffutils (U) python-mypy-extensions (U) python-pybedtools (U) python-rdflib-jsonld (U) python-stubserver (U) python-wdlparse (U) python3-antlr4 (U) python3-typed-ast (U) uncalled (U) Michael R. Crusoe guzzle-sphinx-theme (U) mira (U) Michael Stapelberg libx11-xcb-perl (U) mdocml Michael Stone argus coreutils Michael Tautschnig binutils-h8300-hms gcc-h8300-hms Michael van der Kolff jbigkit Michal Arbet aodh (U) ceilometer (U) cloudkitty (U) cloudkitty-dashboard (U) designate-dashboard (U) freezer (U) freezer-api (U) freezer-web-ui (U) ironic-ui (U) magnum-ui (U) manila-ui (U) masakari-dashboard (U) mistral-dashboard (U) neutron-vpnaas-dashboard (U) novnc (U) octavia (U) octavia-dashboard (U) placement (U) python-django-health-check (U) python-doc8 (U) python-glance-store (U) python-json-pointer (U) python-kafka (U) python-keystonemiddleware (U) python-taskflow (U) sahara-dashboard (U) senlin-dashboard (U) trove-dashboard (U) zaqar-ui (U) Michal Čihař django-taggit (U) lazygal utidylib (U) wlc (U) Mickael Asseline python-glance-store (U) python-octavia-lib (U) Miguel de Val-Borro gwcs (U) Miguel Landaeta rubocop (U) ruby-nio4r (U) tweepy (U) Mihai Moldovan x2goserver (U) Mikael Djurfeldt music python-csa Mikael Magnusson libccrtp (U) Mike Furr perl4caml (U) Mike Gabriel bamf (U) caja-seahorse (U) libvncserver (U) lomiri-api (U) lomiri-ui-extras (U) mate-common (U) mate-tweak (U) onboard (U) process-cpp (U) python-pampy (U) python-wither (U) python-wsgilog (U) python-x2go (U) remote-logon-config-agent (U) remote-logon-service (U) tinyproxy x2goserver (U) xfce4-sntray-plugin (U) Mike Miller ocserv (U) Mikhail Gusarov archmage sgmllib3k Milan Kupcevic basez gzip Milan Zamazal cl-asdf (U) Mirco Bauer dbus-sharp (U) libgdiplus (U) Miriam Ruiz deap gui-ufw (U) Mitsuya Shibata ibus-kkc (U) libkkc (U) Mo Zhou h5py (U) Mo Zhou apachetop faiss (U) fzf (U) python-peachpy (U) ranger (U) ujson (U) vim-julia (U) Mongo C Driver Team mongo-c-driver Moray Allan libfakekey matchbox-themes-extra Moritz Schlarb libapache2-mod-auth-openidc nagstamon (U) mpd maintainers gmpc Muammar El Khatib amp (U) Munin Debian Maintainers munin Nathan Scott xfsprogs (U) Nathan SR helpman quickcal Neil Muller pydispatcher (U) Neil Williams radon (U) Nicholas D Steeves persist-el (U) python-css-parser (U) Nick Morrott libdata-validate-perl (U) Nick Morrott gron (U) python-guizero (U) Nico Schlömer netcdf (U) Nicola Di Lieto uacme Nicolas Boulenguez libncursesada Nicolas Braud-Santoni nyx (U) Nicolas Braud-Santoni ocaml-mccs (U) opam (U) ries Nicolas Dandrimont beancount (U) hiro (U) python-adal (U) python-azure-devtools (U) python-cmarkgfm (U) python-confluent-kafka (U) python-fedora (U) python-limits (U) python-msrest (U) python-msrestazure (U) python-plaster-pastedeploy (U) python-pyramid-chameleon (U) python-readme-renderer (U) redis-py-cluster (U) Nicolas Mora node-cross-fetch (U) node-i18next-http-backend (U) node-jose (U) nicoo libu2f-server (U) python-fido2 (U) python-makefun (U) yubico-piv-tool (U) Niko Tyni alice (U) libdata-dump-streamer-perl (U) Niko Tyni libemail-localdelivery-perl (U) libproc-background-perl (U) Nikolaus Rath pyfuse3 (U) python-llfuse Nilesh Patra fastani (U) h5sparse (U) node-d3 (U) node-d3-contour (U) node-d3-fetch (U) node-graphlibrary (U) node-jmespath (U) node-thenby (U) ntcard (U) plip (U) pycoqc (U) pyode (U) pyrle (U) python-amply (U) python-cytoolz (U) python-nanomath (U) python-ncls (U) python-parasail (U) python-pipdeptree (U) python-spectra (U) python-xopen (U) r-cran-bslib (U) r-cran-gprofiler2 (U) r-cran-plumber (U) radio-beam (U) sorted-nearest (U) svim (U) yanagiba (U) yanosim (U) Nilesh Patra fermi-lite (U) lucy (U) mptp (U) Noah Meyerhans xplot-xplot.org Nobuhiro Iwamatsu erlang-bear (U) erlang-bitcask (U) erlang-folsom (U) mmc-utils mruby pygattlib python-log-symbols (U) python-nubia (U) python-spinners (U) swupdate (U) xwiimote NOKUBI Takatsugu nkf Norbert Preining pycson speg texinfo (U) xindy (U) Noël Köthe ncftp openipmi Nuno Carvalho libxml-tmx-perl (U) OHURA Makoto vflib3 Ola Lundqvist jpeginfo (U) Ole Streicher aplpy (U) asdf-coordinates-schemas (U) asdf-standard (U) asdf-transform-schemas (U) asdf-wcs-schemas (U) astroml (U) astropy-helpers (U) astropy-regions (U) astropy-sphinx-theme (U) astroscrappy (U) casa-formats-io (U) ccdproc (U) cmyt (U) cpl-plugin-visir (U) drms (U) emcee (U) gavodachs (U) ginga (U) gwcs (U) mpl-animators (U) parfive (U) photutils (U) pyephem (U) pysynphot (U) pytest-arraydiff (U) pytest-astropy (U) pytest-astropy-header (U) pytest-doctestplus (U) pytest-filter-subpackage (U) pytest-openfiles (U) pytest-remotedata (U) python-drizzle (U) python-fitsio (U) python-imageio (U) python-pyds9 (U) radio-beam (U) reproject (U) scamp (U) sphinx-astropy (U) starlink-ast (U) starlink-pal (U) sunpy (U) tcl-signal (U) tifffile (U) tk-table (U) tkagif (U) tkblt (U) tkmpeg (U) ttkthemes (U) xpa (U) Olek Wojnar checker-framework-java (U) Olivier Sallou baitfisher (U) biomaj3 (U) biomaj3-cli (U) biomaj3-core (U) biomaj3-daemon (U) biomaj3-download (U) biomaj3-process (U) biomaj3-user (U) biomaj3-zipkin (U) cassiopee (U) clustalo (U) f2j (U) igv (U) logol (U) python-consul (U) python-cutadapt (U) python-dictobj (U) python-ftputil (U) python-irodsclient (U) python-py-zipkin (U) Olly Betts libwx-glcanvas-perl (U) Olof Johansson svtplay-dl Ondřej Kobližek python-pythonjsonlogger (U) Ondřej Nový flask (U) pastedeploy (U) python-pallets-sphinx-themes (U) python-werkzeug (U) tldr-py (U) Ondřej Surý blinker (U) dnssec-trigger (U) feedgenerator (U) gearmand (U) libidn2 (U) libzonemaster-perl (U) lua-http python-getdns (U) rapache (U) Onkar Shinde gnusim8085 (U) Optical Media Tools Team cdparanoia Orestis Ioannou flask-bcrypt (U) flask-flatpages Osamu Aoki ibus-input-pad (U) ibus-kkc (U) ibus-skk (U) ibus-table-chinese (U) im-config (U) input-pad (U) libkkc (U) Otto Kekäläinen rdiff-backup (U) ownCloud for Debian maintainers qtkeychain Oxan van Leeuwen babelfish (U) enzyme (U) guessit (U) pysrt (U) Pablo Mestre Drake rdiff-backup (U) Pall Sigurdsson pynag (U) Paolo Greppi doxygen node-cli-cursor (U) node-grunt-contrib-uglify (U) node-socket.io-parser (U) vue-router.js (U) vue.js (U) Paride Legovini rust-fd-find (U) Patrick Franz kcalutils (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) Patrick Matthäi apt-dater fastnetmon mlt Patrick Ouellette ax25-tools (U) baycomepp (U) Paul Belanger voluptuous (U) Paul Brossier fftw (U) liblscp (U) puredata (U) Paul Gevers cacti-spine (U) daisy-player (U) ebook-speaker (U) edbrowse (U) jquery-tablesorter (U) liblouisutdml (U) qpack (U) siridb-connector (U) speech-dispatcher (U) speech-tools (U) winff Paul Sladen pyvo (U) Paul Tagliamonte python-astor (U) python-schroot (U) python-sh (U) Paul van Tilburg ruby-libxml (U) ruby-mocha (U) Paul Wise harmony librecaptcha Per Andersson node-agent-base (U) Per Andersson asciidoctor (U) Per B. Sederberg pyglet (U) Peter Hoenigschmid reprof (U) Peter Michael Green pigpio Peter Pentchev confget createrepo-c dante feature-check install-mimic Peter Spiess-Knafl codespell (U) Peter Van Eynde cl-asdf (U) Petr Čech ispell-czech Petter Reinholdtsen coz-profiler (U) d3-tip.js (U) libkate (U) python-rfc3161ng python-socksipychain (U) Phil Morrell qalculate-gtk (U) Phil Wyett filezilla rednotebook Philip Rinn gtranscribe Philipp Huebner erlang-bear (U) erlang-bitcask (U) erlang-folsom (U) erlang-p1-cache-tab (U) erlang-p1-eimp (U) erlang-p1-iconv (U) erlang-p1-mqtree (U) erlang-p1-pam (U) erlang-p1-sip (U) erlang-p1-sqlite3 (U) erlang-p1-stringprep (U) erlang-p1-xml (U) erlang-p1-xmpp (U) erlang-p1-yaml (U) erlang-p1-yconf (U) erlang-p1-zlib (U) python-colorlog (U) python-odoorpc (U) yamllint (U) Philippe Coval connect-proxy pinball-table-gnu pinball-table-gnu (U) Philippe Mathieu-Daudé git-publish Philippe Thierry dhcpig (U) Philippe Thierry kconfig-frontends smartleia vsmartcard phpMyAdmin Packaging Team phpmyadmin Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel ann (U) guidata (U) gvars3 (U) hkl (U) nbsphinx-link (U) pyct (U) python-fisx (U) python-igor (U) python-param (U) python-qtconsole (U) python-qwt (U) python-spectral (U) spyder (U) spyder-kernels (U) toon (U) wurlitzer (U) Pierre Chifflier libewf (U) prelude-correlator tpm-tools Pierre Gruet gluegen2 (U) igv (U) libfastutil-java (U) Pierre Rudloff ufo2otf Pierre-Elliott Bécue coreapi (U) coreschema (U) itypes (U) jsonhyperschema-codec (U) Pierre-Elliott Bécue django-ldapdb (U) django-mailman3 (U) flatlatex (U) flufl.bounce (U) flufl.i18n (U) flufl.lock (U) mailmanclient (U) mistune0 (U) postorius (U) pytest-datadir (U) python-livereload (U) python-markdown2 (U) python3-lxc (U) zope.interface (U) Pietro Battiston bottleneck (U) gvb python-shapely (U) Pino Toscano icecc (U) kphotoalbum (U) kseexpr (U) maelstrom qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) Piotr Ożarowski aiopg aioredis aioxmlrpc asyncpg gaupol jinja2 pyenchant python-decorator (U) python-jedi simplejson (U) webtest (U) Pirate Praveen d3-format (U) node-babel7 (U) node-builtin-status-codes (U) node-camelcase-keys (U) node-chart.js (U) node-compression-webpack-plugin (U) node-css-loader (U) node-d3 (U) node-d3-scale (U) node-filesize (U) node-graphlibrary (U) node-grunt-contrib-internal (U) node-handlebars (U) node-istextorbinary (U) node-jszip-utils (U) node-katex (U) node-load-json-file (U) node-md5-hex (U) node-mem (U) node-mimic-fn (U) node-mini-css-extract-plugin (U) node-neo-async (U) node-npm-run-path (U) node-nunjucks (U) node-p-locate (U) node-postcss (U) node-pretty-ms (U) node-prismjs (U) node-rollup-plugin-terser (U) node-rollup-plugin-typescript (U) node-schema-utils (U) node-slash (U) node-strip-eof (U) node-symbol-observable (U) node-tapable (U) node-uuid (U) node-webassemblyjs (U) ruby-batch-loader (U) ruby-binding-of-caller (U) ruby-celluloid (U) ruby-countries (U) ruby-enumerable-statistics (U) ruby-pry-rails (U) ruby-rbnacl (U) ruby-simplecov (U) underscore.string (U) pkg-lxc python3-lxc Prach Pongpanich php-text-template (U) Prach Pongpanich libdbi-drivers (U) php-fxsl (U) python-heatclient (U) python-pbr (U) Pranav Ballaney yanagiba (U) Praveen Arimbrathodiyil ruby-celluloid (U) Praveen Arimbrathodiyil ruby-bunny (U) Punit Agrawal global Puppet Package Maintainers leatherman Qalculate Team qalculate-gtk Rafael Laboissière octave-sparsersb (U) Rahul Amaram pg8000 (U) Rahul De matrix-synapse-ldap3 (U) Raju Devidas node-quick-lru (U) Ralf Treinen bibtex2html (U) camlbz2 (U) coccinelle (U) cryptokit (U) hevea (U) mona (U) ocamlmakefile (U) ocamlweb (U) tuareg-mode (U) Ralph Giles libkate (U) Raoul Snyman openlp (U) Raphaël Hertzog django-modeltranslation (U) python-paypal (U) Reinhard Tartler cockpit-podman (U) golang-github-containers-common (U) jackd2 (U) pcsc-cyberjack (U) projectm (U) smplayer (U) whatthepatch (U) Rhonda D'Vine dctrl-tools Ricardo Mones libetpan zutty Ricardo Ribalda Delgado yavta Richard B Winters crmsh (U) Rico Sennrich sfst Rico Tzschichholz caribou (U) RISKO Gergely ippl (U) Ritesh Raj Sarraf apt-offline bpfcc dico kbuild (U) rabbitvcs (U) snapper-gui systemtap (U) thunarx-python Robbi Nespu python-sinfo (U) Robert Edmonds py-lmdb (U) Robert James Clay libmodule-build-pluggable-perl (U) libx12-parser-perl (U) sql-ledger Robert Millan multiboot (U) Robert P. Goldman cl-asdf (U) Robert S. Edmonds libapache2-mod-python (U) python-msgpack (U) voluptuous (U) Roberto C. Sanchez mongo-c-driver (U) mysql++ (U) Roberto C. Sanchez bibletime (U) sword-comm-scofield (U) sword-dict-strongs-greek (U) sword-dict-strongs-hebrew (U) Robie Basak python-sniffio python-trustme Robin Jarry python-bonsai (U) python-txrequests (U) Robin Sheat libpdf-reuse-perl (U) Rodrigo Carvalho vtun Roger Shimizu libcork (U) libcorkipset (U) Rogério Brito cdparanoia (U) Roland Clobus pioneers Roland Gruber ldap-account-manager Roland Mas backoff (U) bqplot (U) certipy (U) escapism (U) extra-data (U) freesas (U) gvars3 (U) jupyter-telemetry (U) jupyterhub (U) karabo-bridge (U) loggerhead (U) mantis-xray (U) mwoauth (U) nbgitpuller (U) node-atomico-rollup-plugin-sizes (U) node-blueprintjs-colors (U) node-brotli-size (U) onetimepass (U) pamela (U) proglog (U) python-consul2 (U) pyxrd (U) toon (U) Roland Rosenfeld libfile-tail-perl (U) mailfromd rancid xfig Roland Stigge sfst (U) Rolf Leggewie scim scim-tables (U) Romain Francoise rcs Ross Gammon gramps Ross Gammon osm-gps-map (U) pyshp (U) RPM packaging team debugedit (U) osc rpmlint Ruben Molina cpio (U) gts (U) Ruben Undheim libsmpp34 (U) osmo-ggsn (U) Ruben Undheim oregano (U) Rudolf Polzer xsecurelock (U) Ruffin White python-dirhash (U) python-scantree (U) Russ Allbery libafs-pag-perl (U) Russell Coker selinux-python (U) Ryan Kavanagh bc gophernicus opensmtpd rxvt-unicode Rémi Vanicat elpa-transient (U) Sakirnth Nagarasa ansible-runner click-completion click-help-colors enrich fpyutils md-toc network-runner subprocess-tee Salvatore Bonaccorso libconfig-model-tkui-perl (U) libconfig-std-perl (U) libfile-inplace-perl (U) liblatex-driver-perl (U) libmail-box-perl (U) libmodule-install-perl (U) Salvo 'LtWorf' Tomaselli typedload vasttrafik-cli Sam Hartman pam (U) Sam Hocevar clanlib (U) ftgl Sam Morris sensors-applet Samuel Henrique acme-tiny (U) aircrack-ng (U) ansible-lint (U) gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast (U) gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (U) gui-ufw (U) jwm nmap (U) python-crcelk (U) python-pluginbase (U) python-shodan (U) python-smoke-zephyr (U) supervisor (U) termineter (U) Samuel Mimram bibtex2html (U) hevea (U) ocamlmakefile (U) ocamlweb (U) tuareg-mode (U) Samuel Thibault brltty (U) ccsm (U) daisy-player (U) dasher (U) ebook-speaker (U) edbrowse (U) fenrir (U) ibus-braille (U) liblouis (U) liblouisutdml (U) pocketsphinx-python (U) speech-dispatcher (U) speech-tools (U) speechd-up (U) Sandro Knauß kcalutils (U) qtkeychain (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) Sandro Tosi astroid babelfish (U) fastkml geventhttpclient gmplot guessit (U) kiwisolver lazy-object-proxy locust logilab-constraint multiprocess overpass pydot pygeoif pysimplesoap python-click python-levenshtein python-overpy python-ppmd python-progressbar python-rebulk (U) python-regex rst2pdf (U) sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet tqdm Santiago Ruano Rincón lua-http (U) Santiago Vila hello m4 recode wdiff Sao I Kuan cwlformat (U) insilicoseq (U) python-duckpy (U) seirsplus (U) Sascha Girrulat python-selenium Sascha Steinbiss aegean (U) ariba (U) fastaq (U) fermi-lite (U) genometools (U) gfapy (U) icdiff iva (U) python-babelgladeextractor python-codegen python-flask-sockets python-fusepy python-msoffcrypto-tool python-portpicker python-pretty-yaml python-pyqrcode python-virustotal-api roary (U) s4cmd snpomatic (U) suricata-update tantan (U) Saúl Ibarra Corretgé janus (U) Scarlett Moore qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) Scott Kitterman authheaders (U) django-anymail (U) django-maintenancemode (U) django-organizations (U) django-simple-redis-admin (U) django-wkhtmltopdf (U) dkimpy dkimpy-milter pdfkit (U) pycares (U) pyclamd (U) pymilter (U) pyspf python-bitstring (U) python-dnslib (U) python-geoip (U) python-getdns (U) python-nacl (U) python-publicsuffix2 (U) python-resolvelib (U) python-sparkpost (U) stepic Scott Talbert apipkg (U) concordance (U) congruity (U) execnet (U) pytest-forked pytest-forked (U) pytest-xdist (U) Sean Davis catfish (U) menulibre (U) Sean Davis mugshot (U) Sean Whitton consfigurator debug-me pandoc-citeproc-preamble paredit-el (U) Sebastian Dröge gnome-dvb-daemon (U) libgdiplus (U) taoframework (U) xdg-user-dirs (U) Sebastian Geiger tilda Sebastian Humenda python-pandocfilters (U) Sebastian Parschauer scanmem Sebastian Ramacher bpython cgdb picard (U) python-pyperclip Sebastian Reichel python-paho-mqtt Sebastien Badia rubocop (U) ruby-rsync (U) task (U) Sebastien Badia taskd (U) Sebastien Delafond arpys (U) colorcet (U) denss (U) mpdcron nbsphinx-link (U) pyct (U) python-certifi python-fuse python-igor (U) python-libtmux python-memoize python-orderedattrdict python-panwid python-param (U) python-procrunner (U) python-raccoon python-spectral (U) python-urwid-utils ruby-in-parallel (U) tmuxp Sebastien Jodogne civetweb (U) Serge Hallyn shadow (U) Sergei Golovan itcl4 (U) libtk-img manderlbot (U) tclthread tclvfs Sergio de Almeida Cipriano Junior taskd (U) Sergio de Almeida Cipriano Junior crochet (U) Sergio Durigan Junior python-bugzilla (U) python-fedora (U) python-openid-teams (U) texttable (U) Sergio Durigan Junior flask-multistatic (U) python-openid-cla (U) Seunghun Han swtpm Shadow package maintainers shadow Shaun Jackman jellyfish1 (U) Shaya Potter hebcal Shayan Doust google-auth-oauthlib (U) mcl (U) nanofilt (U) Shengjing Zhu containerd (U) Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars) gcin (U) Siddhesh Rane node-base64-js (U) Simon Fondrie-Teitler python-itsdangerous (U) Simon Josefsson libidn2 (U) libtasn1-6 (U) Simon McVittie bmap-tools gmpc (U) ikiwiki libsdl2 (U) libsdl2-mixer (U) mallard-ducktype (U) openarena-oacmp1 (U) policykit-1 (U) Simon Quigley caja-seahorse (U) gcompris-qt (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtserialbus-everywhere-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) Simon Richter signing-party (U) Simon Spöhel geomet sentinelsat SiriDB Maintainers qpack siridb-connector Sjoerd Simons bmap-tools (U) caribou (U) farstream-0.2 (U) libepc (U) Sophie Brun django-modeltranslation (U) gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast (U) lua-curses python-paypal (U) Sophie Brun python-tld (U) ssldump (U) Soren Hansen python-webob (U) Soren Stoutner electrum (U) Sruthi Chandran node-builtin-modules (U) node-camelcase (U) node-is-plain-object (U) node-is-stream (U) node-path-exists (U) node-pkg-up (U) ruby-marcel (U) Stefan Potyra faucc (U) Stefan Sobernig xotcl (U) Stefan Sobernig nsf (U) Stefano Karapetsas mate-common (U) trash-cli Stefano Rivera munkres (U) pystemmer (U) python-distro (U) python-flexmock (U) python-progress (U) python-wadllib python-webencodings (U) twine (U) unidecode (U) Stefano Zacchiroli beancount (U) Steffen Moeller eigensoft (U) fasta3 (U) ghmm (U) jdeb (U) lucy (U) mira (U) python-cutadapt (U) python-gffutils (U) python-ncls (U) python-pybedtools (U) python-pymummer (U) python-shellescape (U) python-sqt (U) python-tinyalign (U) python-tktreectrl (U) q2-alignment (U) q2-demux (U) q2-metadata (U) q2-taxa (U) r-cran-rcurl (U) r-cran-tiff (U) wchartype (U) wxastrocapture (U) Stein Magnus Jodal mopidy mopidy-alsamixer mopidy-beets mopidy-internetarchive mopidy-local mopidy-mpd mopidy-mpris mopidy-podcast mopidy-podcast-itunes mopidy-scrobbler mopidy-somafm mopidy-soundcloud mopidy-tunein Stephan Peijnik pyglet (U) Stephan Sürken cherrypy3 (U) Stephen Nelson openjpa (U) Steve Langasek pam pioneers (U) Steve M. Robbins castxml (U) geomview (U) gmp (U) Steve McIntyre <93sam@debian.org> jigdo Stewart Ferguson python-schedutils tuna Stig Sandbeck Mathisen munin (U) ruby-rgen (U) Stuart Prescott python-diff-match-patch python-l20n (U) python-pyforge python-sentinels python-waiting pyx3 qt5reactor (U) translate-toolkit (U) Stéphane Blondon supervisor (U) Stéphane Glondu camlp4 (U) cryptokit (U) hevea (U) janest-ocaml-compiler-libs (U) lablgtk-extras (U) nss-passwords (U) ocaml-alcotest (U) ocaml-atd (U) ocaml-ca-certs (U) ocaml-csexp (U) ocaml-ctypes (U) ocaml-graphics (U) ocaml-sqlite3 (U) ocaml-zarith (U) ocamlsdl (U) pcre-ocaml (U) perl4caml (U) postgresql-ocaml (U) tuareg-mode (U) Sudip Mukherjee gnome-activity-journal libtracefs lucene8 (U) offlineimap3 (U) pineapple-pictures python-openqa-client (U) trace-cmd Sunday Nkwuda node-zkochan-cmd-shim (U) Sune Vuorela qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) Sunil Mohan Adapa d3-tip.js (U) django-stronghold (U) libminidns-java (U) python-django-bootstrap-form (U) python-socksipychain (U) Sven Joachim autoconf-dickey Sven Wick recutils ssh-tools Sylvestre Ledru codespell (U) fail2ban (U) gluegen2 (U) rust-fd-find (U) SZ Lin (林上智) ddgr elementpath elementpath (U) imgp pdd requirement-parser (U) swupdate (U) tpm2-pkcs11 (U) usbauth-notifier (U) Sébastien Boisvert ray (U) Sébastien Villemot cl-unicode (U) Sérgio Benjamim retroarch (U) Tanguy Ortolo pycares (U) python-nbxmpp (U) TANIGUCHI Takaki asciijump (U) c-sig (U) cdparanoia (U) elscreen (U) libmoe python-bcdoc (U) python-exif (U) python-gitdb (U) python-jpype (U) python-pyramid (U) python-venusian (U) xcite (U) zope.deprecation (U) Taowa Munene-Tardif bookletimposer (U) membernator (U) Tatsuya Kinoshita eblook Taylor LeMasurier-Wren gtimer Tcl/Tk Debian Packagers nsf tcl-signal tk-table tkagif tkblt tkmpeg ttkthemes xotcl Teemu Hukkanen virtualjaguar (U) Teemu Ikonen ann (U) Teus Benschop bibletime (U) sword-comm-mhcc (U) sword-comm-scofield (U) sword-dict-naves (U) sword-dict-strongs-greek (U) sword-dict-strongs-hebrew (U) The Debichem Group libodsstream The Debichem Group isospec Thibaut GIRKA libfakekey (U) Thibaut Paumard dasher (U) fftw (U) python-pyorick (U) Thomas Andrejak prelude-correlator (U) python-lesscpy Thomas E. Dickey byacc (U) Thomas E. Dickey byacc Thomas Girard dwarves Thomas Goirand aodh (U) barbican-tempest-plugin (U) ceilometer (U) cinder-tempest-plugin (U) cloudkitty (U) cloudkitty-dashboard (U) cloudkitty-tempest-plugin (U) designate-dashboard (U) designate-tempest-plugin (U) django-pagination (U) django-paintstore (U) flask (U) freezer (U) freezer-api (U) freezer-web-ui (U) glance-tempest-plugin (U) graphite-carbon (U) heat-tempest-plugin (U) ilorest (U) ironic-tempest-plugin (U) ironic-ui (U) keystone-tempest-plugin (U) libjs-angular-schema-form (U) libjs-bootswatch (U) libjs-lrdragndrop (U) libjs-tv4 (U) magnum-tempest-plugin (U) magnum-ui (U) manila-tempest-plugin (U) manila-ui (U) masakari-dashboard (U) mistral-dashboard (U) mistral-tempest-plugin (U) murano-tempest-plugin (U) neutron-vpnaas-dashboard (U) novnc (U) octavia (U) octavia-dashboard (U) octavia-tempest-plugin (U) openstack-nose (U) placement (U) pyroute2 (U) pyrsistent (U) python-autobahn (U) python-calmjs (U) python-calmjs.parse (U) python-calmjs.types (U) python-croniter (U) python-datetimerange (U) python-ddt (U) python-doc8 (U) python-enmerkar (U) python-fixtures (U) python-glance-store (U) python-heatclient (U) python-httpretty (U) python-hurry.filesize (U) python-hvac (U) python-idna (U) python-infinity (U) python-itsdangerous (U) python-json-pointer (U) python-jsonpath-rw (U) python-kafka (U) python-keystonemiddleware (U) python-logutils (U) python-mbstrdecoder (U) python-msgpack (U) python-munch (U) python-mysqldb (U) python-nose-exclude (U) python-nosehtmloutput (U) python-oauth2client (U) python-octavia-lib (U) python-oslo.limit (U) python-oslo.metrics (U) python-oslo.privsep (U) python-pbr (U) python-pydotplus (U) python-pyghmi (U) python-pyhcl (U) python-pyotp (U) python-rcssmin (U) python-sqlalchemy-utils (U) python-sure (U) python-taskflow (U) python-termcolor (U) python-termstyle (U) python-testscenarios (U) python-testtools (U) python-typepy (U) python-uhashring (U) python-uritemplate (U) python-webob (U) python-werkzeug (U) python-whisper (U) python-wrapt (U) python-wsaccel (U) python-xstatic-angular-ui-router (U) python-xvfbwrapper (U) q-text-as-data (U) sahara-dashboard (U) sahara-plugin-spark (U) sahara-plugin-vanilla (U) senlin-dashboard (U) senlin-tempest-plugin (U) simplejson (U) sphinxcontrib-httpdomain (U) sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme (U) telemetry-tempest-plugin (U) tempest-horizon (U) trove-dashboard (U) trove-tempest-plugin (U) vitrage-tempest-plugin (U) voluptuous (U) watcher-tempest-plugin (U) websockify (U) zaqar-tempest-plugin (U) zaqar-ui (U) Thomas Perl mygpoclient Thomas Perret python-pyocr simplebayes Thomas Preud'homme gcp libervia-backend (U) libervia-templates (U) Thomas Schmidt python-flickrapi Thomas Ward xca Thomi Richards python3-openid (U) Thorsten Alteholz chktex duktape (U) gengetopt gnucobol3 gnucobol4 harminv libmatthew-java (U) libsmpp34 (U) meep mpb node-big.js (U) node-eslint-plugin-flowtype (U) node-json5 (U) osmo-ggsn (U) pescetti pipexec planetary-system-stacker (U) ptpd pyicloud (U) pywws (U) rasterview (U) Thorsten Glaser antimicro polyphone Tiago Bortoletto Vaz soundgrain (U) taopm (U) Tian Qiao pocsuite3 (U) Tianon Gravi python-sh (U) Tianon Gravi containerd (U) python-astor (U) Tim Abbott palp (U) Tim Booth pyqi (U) Tim Potter containerd (U) runc (U) Tim Retout ntplib (U) Timo Aaltonen freeipa (U) jss (U) libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi (U) pycdio pytest-multihost (U) python-qrcode (U) Timo Juhani Lindfors systemtap (U) Timo Jyrinki qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qttranslations-opensource-src (U) Timo Röhling genetic (U) jello (U) python-colored-traceback (U) pywavefront (U) ropgadget (U) ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-osrf-pycommon (U) ros-rospkg (U) ros2-ament-package (U) ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cd (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) tinyobjloader tweepy (U) Timon Engelke ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-osrf-pycommon (U) ros2-colcon-argcomplete (U) ros2-colcon-bash (U) ros2-colcon-cd (U) ros2-colcon-cmake (U) ros2-colcon-defaults (U) ros2-colcon-devtools (U) ros2-colcon-library-path (U) ros2-colcon-metadata (U) ros2-colcon-notification (U) ros2-colcon-output (U) ros2-colcon-package-information (U) ros2-colcon-package-selection (U) ros2-colcon-parallel-executor (U) ros2-colcon-pkg-config (U) ros2-colcon-python-setup-py (U) ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl (U) ros2-colcon-ros (U) ros2-colcon-test-result (U) ros2-colcon-zsh (U) Tino Didriksen apertium-apy (U) apertium-eo-ca (U) apertium-eo-fr (U) apertium-es-pt (U) apertium-fr-es (U) apertium-streamparser (U) Tobias Frost backuppc (U) gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar Tobias Grimm vdr-plugin-dvd (U) vdr-plugin-mp3 (U) vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (U) vdr-plugin-xineliboutput (U) Tobias Hansen allegro4.4 (U) libzn-poly (U) pplpy (U) Tobias Klauser cscope Tom Jampen texstudio Tomas Di Domenico python-csb (U) Tomasz Buchert libsdsl (U) python-guess-language python-ijson python-pyelftools Toni Mueller scim-tables (U) tony mancill antlr (U) baycomepp (U) ccbuild cscope (U) jacoco (U) japi-compliance-checker (U) libconfig-simple-perl (U) libfastutil-java (U) mygpoclient (U) spatial4j (U) Torsten Werner antlr (U) commons-httpclient (U) scim-kmfl-imengine (U) Tristan Seligmann audioread (U) contextlib2 (U) electrum (U) incremental (U) mistune (U) mutagen python-cryptography-vectors python-genty (U) python-idna (U) python-nacl (U) python-phpserialize python-pretend (U) python-rply (U) pythondialog (U) Tu Qinggang dde-qt-dbus-factory (U) Tushar Agey node-duplexer3 (U) Tz-Huan Huang scim (U) scim-tables Tzafrir Cohen bcg729 (U) iaxmodem (U) radcli (U) sip-tester (U) Ubuntu Developers csh Uli Martens python-pymetar Ulises Vitulli doit (U) gpicview (U) natsort (U) nyx openntpd python-nmea2 sgp4 yapsy (U) Unit 193 alpine (U) atheme-services (U) tinyproxy (U) yt-dlp Unit 193 cmst (U) Utkarsh Gupta python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy (U) Utkarsh Gupta micro rubocop (U) ruby-ahoy-email (U) ruby-capybara (U) ruby-dry-core (U) ruby-haml-rails (U) ruby-memory-profiler (U) ruby-rubocop-ast (U) Utopia Maintenance Team cockpit-machines firewalld policykit-1 Uwe Hermann lmarbles Vaclav Ovsik ustr Vagrant Cascadian epoptes (U) m4api mescc-tools Valentin Gutierrez prometheus-trafficserver-exporter (U) Valentin Vidic booth (U) crmsh (U) dacite (U) pcs (U) sbd (U) Vangelis Mouhtsis caja-seahorse (U) mate-common (U) mate-tweak (U) onboard (U) Varun Hiremath commons-httpclient (U) dvipng mayavi2 (U) python-envisage (U) python-traits (U) python-traitsui (U) Vasudev Kamath fonts-lohit-beng-assamese (U) fonts-lohit-beng-bengali (U) fonts-lohit-deva (U) fonts-lohit-guru (U) fonts-lohit-mlym (U) fonts-lohit-orya (U) fonts-lohit-taml (U) Vasudev Kamath fonts-lohit-gujr (U) Vasudev Kamath bpfcc (U) Vern Sun ranger Victor Fayvel pysdl2 (U) Victor Seva bcg729 (U) janus (U) kamcli lua-uri sip-tester (U) Vinay Desai node-xdg-basedir (U) Vincent Bernat cookiecutter exabgp junos-eznc (U) keepalived libsmi python-cs python-xlrd (U) pyzmq (U) snimpy systemtap (U) transmissionrpc (U) unoconv whichcraft (U) xnee Vincent Cheng feedgenerator (U) kivy (U) mypaint-brushes (U) pdfarranger (U) Vincent Danjean kanif (U) libmath-tamuanova-perl (U) libpdf-reuse-perl (U) libxml-rss-perl (U) sgf2dg Vincent Ladeuil loggerhead (U) Vincent Legout grhino (U) Vincent Prat astroplan (U) astroquery (U) pydl (U) python-suitesparse-graphblas (U) Vincenzo (KatolaZ) Nicosia sysvinit (U) Vladimir Vassilev yuma123 Volkmar Sieh faucc (U) Víctor Cuadrado Juan python-pynvim (U) python3-proselint (U) W. Martin Borgert python-exif (U) William Blough django-cas-server (U) python-django-casclient (U) soci xalan William Desportes jquery-timepicker (U) phpmyadmin (U) Wolfgang Silbermayr rust-backtrace-sys (U) Wouter Verhelst pmw Xavier Guimard libanyevent-redis-perl (U) libapache2-authcookie-perl (U) libgd-perl (U) libhash-fieldhash-perl (U) libhtml-mason-perl (U) libio-event-perl (U) XFS Development Team xfsprogs Ximin Luo camlp4 (U) d3-format (U) fpylll (U) lizzie (U) rust-backtrace-sys (U) rust-libnghttp2-sys (U) three.js (U) Yadd d3-format (U) lemonldap-ng (U) libbson-xs-perl (U) mustache.js (U) node-constantinople (U) node-diff (U) node-duplexer3 (U) node-emittery (U) node-merge (U) node-mocha (U) node-ncp (U) node-sinclair-typebox (U) twitter-bootstrap3 (U) vue-router.js (U) Yago González python-tabulate (U) Yangfl libjsonparser libwmf python-peachpy (U) tbox utox Yanhao Mo deepin-terminal (U) Yao Wei (魏銘廷) cffsubr (U) defcon (U) fontmake (U) fontmath (U) fontparts (U) fonttools (U) glyphslib (U) mutatormath (U) python-booleanoperations (U) python-fs (U) python-unicodedata2 (U) trufont ufo-extractor (U) ufo2ft (U) ufolib2 (U) ufonormalizer (U) ufoprocessor (U) Yao Wei (魏銘廷) fontpens (U) gcin (U) Yaroslav Halchenko biosig (U) btrbk (U) dcmstack (U) duecredit fail2ban (U) nibabel (U) pyglet (U) pynn (U) pyode (U) python-etelemetry (U) pyxid (U) pyxnat (U) reprozip (U) rxvt-unicode (U) Yavor Doganov gnustep-performance (U) gnustep-sqlclient (U) YunQiang Su libcitygml (U) Yves-Alexis Perez xfce4-notifyd (U) xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (U) Zev Benjamin crudini (U) Zygmunt Krynicki python-padme (U) twine (U) Étienne Mollier amide (U) ariba (U) bcftools (U) castxml (U) fast5 (U) insilicoseq (U) kleborate (U) libseqlib (U) libzonemaster-perl (U) nibabel (U) ntcard (U) paleomix (U) pynn (U) python-bcbio-gff (U) python-gffutils (U) python-msgpack-numpy (U) python-nanoget (U) python-pauvre (U) q2-metadata (U) q2-quality-filter (U) scoary (U) srst2 (U) أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) libelixirfm-perl (U) أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) dico (U) iverilog (U) mlterm monajat (U) wikitrans (U)